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GSEB SSC class 10th results 2019 expected shortly; check score @gseb.org

May 21, 2019, 07:19 IST

Gujarat Secondary Education Board(GSEB) is expected to announce the results of Class 10th examination on Tuesday i.e. 21 May at 8 am, according to reports.

This year, the exams were held from 7 March to 19 March 2019 and nearly 750,000 students appeared for the examination. In 2018, the overall pass percentage stood at 67.5% in class 10th examination. The result was declared on 28 May.

Students can view their results on the official website of the state board www.gseb.org. Alternatively, students can check their results at examresults.net.

The students can check their results at:

  • Go to the website www.gseb.org, click on the result link tab on the homepage.
  • Click on ‘GSEB SSC result 2019’ tab.
  • Enter roll number and login credentials.
  • You will be able to view your results and you can also download it for future reference.
The board, however, announced the results for class 12th examination for science stream earlier this month.

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