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Green Tea doesn't help in weight loss. Here’s why

Green Tea doesn't help in weight
loss. Here’s why
Science1 min read

The healthier readers will instantly agree that there is no plain recipe to losing weight. No matter how much effort you put, that excess chunk of fat near your abdomen seems forever. Workouts, diets and several myths - you must be tired already. And then someone whispers, did you try green tea?

If you haven’t got your taste buds habituated to green tea yet, let me tell you, it isn’t that easy. Getting sugar less, pungent tasting, pee-coloured liquid through your throat isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. In case you totally hate it, let me assure you, green tea isn’t a magician in weight loss. No it isn’t.

Losing weight through green tea? It doesn’t happen that way. If you like normal tea like black one, stick to it and don’t think to make a shift.
Let me explain you in the slideshow for better understanding.


