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Great GIF Proves Jennifer Lawrence Magazine Cover Was Totally Photoshopped

Aly Weisman   

Great GIF Proves Jennifer Lawrence Magazine Cover Was Totally Photoshopped
Entertainment1 min read

A June 2011 Flaunt magazine cover is under attack by the blogosphere for photoshopping cover model Jennifer Lawrence.

In the below GIFS, it's clear "The Hunger Games" actress has been given more pronounced cheekbones, collarbone, and generally slimmed down.

Ironic considering Lawrence has been extremely outspoken about Photoshop, saying of her recent Christian Dior ads, "That doesn't look like me a at all," and adding that Photoshop was to blame.

During a chat with Yahoo! CEO Marissa Meyer in November, Lawrence further added: "The world has this idea that if you don't look like an airbrushed perfect model. You have to see past it. You look how you look, you have to be comfortable. What are you going to do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That's just dumb."

But apparently J.Law didn't have a say in this 2011 shoot. Check out the perfectly-GIF'd before-and-after below:


