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Google Is Testing A New Search Feature That Could Change The Way You Visit Doctors

Oct 12, 2014, 23:15 IST

Google is testing a new search feature that could hook you up with a virtual doctor appointment when you search for symptoms, one Reddit user discovered on Friday. Tech blog Engadget has independently confirmed that Google is testing this new feature as well.


The idea behind the search tool is pretty simple. When you search for a symptom, such as knee pain for example, Google will issue a notification that asks whether or not you'd like to chat with a doctor. Here's the screen shot Reddit user jasonahoule posted:

Imgur via Reddit (jasonahoule)

As the search card notes, all virtual visit costs are covered by Google during the trial period. It's unclear how much it will cost when (and if) the feature eventually rolls out.

In most instances, video chatting with a doctor wouldn't replace an actual visit to the doctor. But it could prevent people from reading information that may not be related to their condition.


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