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Google Is Opening Interactive Holiday Pop-Up Shops That Have Huge Snow Globes You Can Play In

Nov 16, 2013, 19:39 IST


Google is opening up pop-up shops in several locations today - dubbed "Winter Wonderlabs" - so consumers can discover and experience the Nexus 7, Chromecast, and the latest Chromebooks right in time for holiday shopping season.


It looks pretty cool. Part of the draw to the shop is the huge snow globe (snow included!) where visitors can step inside with their friends and create slow-mo videos to keep and share.

The only thing notably missing is the ability to try or look at Google Glass, reports The Verge. Looks like we'll have to wait on that one.

This is one of the first times Google has forayed into retail - something, The Verge points out, the company hasn't really needed to do until recently.

You can visit the Winter Wonderlab site to check the specific locations of the shops in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Sacramento, Washington, DC, and Paramus, NJ.


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