Google Chromebooks Aren't Completely Dead: 20 Percent Of IT Professionals Want Them, Analyst Says
However, there's still a sliver of hope that the Chromebook could capture some of the enterprise market, according to a new research report by market research firm Forrester.
That's because a surprising number of IT pros that work for enterprises are thinking about them.
In a recent survey of 1,282 global enterprise IT professionals, about one-quarter said that they were interested in buying Chromebook for their companies.
Unfortunately, this interest isn't turning into actual sales yet.
Some 16% of IT professionals would like to buy Chromebooks for their companies. But only 4% are using them now and only another 4% have firm plans to buy Chromebooks.
And this means, of course, that most enterprises have no interest in Chromebooks at all.
This chart spells it all out: