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Google Alphabet India sees 35% hike in yearly revenue

Dec 14, 2015, 12:02 IST

Google India, now called Alphabet, has reported a 35% hike in yearly revenue. The company's business has doubled over the past two years, but the pace of revenue growth has slowed from 2014.

Analysts have said social media and mobile applications have ate into some of the advertising traffic that was earlier going to Google.

Google has many Internet-related services and products. This includes cloud computing solutions and other software. However, a bulk of it’s revenue is driven by the advertising service that displays ads next to search results.

Google India posted Rs 4,108 Crore of revenue in the year to March 2015, compared with Rs 3,050 Crore in fiscal year 2013-14. The company, however, did not disclose profit numbers.

Image credit: Indiatimes

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