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GOLDMAN: Here are the 14 best stocks for fat dividends and huge buybacks

Feb 25, 2015, 22:30 IST

The stock market is on track to hit Goldman's target by the end of 2015, according to David Kostin.


And so with Goldman seeing stock prices get near their target, the firm has a basket of stocks that return cash through buybacks and dividends.

We've highlighted the stocks in Goldman's "Total Cash Return to Shareholders" basket, which provides investors more than a 14% total yield on a trailing 12-month basis.

"The current constituents of the 50-stock equal-weighted sector-neutral basket have a median combined shareholder yield of 12% compared with 5% for the median S&P 500 company," Kostin wrote.

Total yield is calculated as the sum of gross buybacks and dividends as a share of market cap.


Note: they are not intended to serve as a well-diversified portfolio.

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