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GOLDMAN: Answer These 14 Questions To See What Kind Of Wall Streeter You Should Become

Feb 5, 2013, 18:34 IST

Want to know where you're supposed to work at Goldman Sachs?


There's an app for that. And a quiz, too.

The investment banking giant has just released its recruiting iPhone app and new careers quiz to help candidates determine where they might want to work at the firm.

The "Explore Goldman Sachs: Careers Quiz" gives a bunch of scenario-based questions for you to answer. Based on your responses, it lists three areas of the bank that might be the best fit for you.

We took the quiz (it takes just a few minutes) and our top matches were global investment research, operations and human capital management.


We also downloaded Goldman's new recruiting iPhone app. It helps students view campus events schedule, measure their progress in the recruiting process, view the careers blog and company Twitter feed and sign up for careers emails.

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