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Get To Know The Overachievers Who Are Starting School At Harvard

Get To Know The Overachievers Who Are Starting School At Harvard

The Harvard Crimson conducted a survey last month of the school's incoming freshmen, and the results cover everything from sex and drugs to GPAs and SATs.

The four part series is certainly worth a full read - and you can find the results for Part I here, Part II here, Part III here, and Part IV here. For your convenience, we've out some of the best tidbits below.

Some of these may confirm your Harvard stereotype, and some of these may surprise you, but we think all of these reveal something interesting about the newest students in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Here are 10 facts about the Harvard Class of 2017:

  1. 70% of entering freshmen come from families making over $80,ooo a year.
  2. Recruited athletes are disproportionately white and African-American, and only three of them identify as something other than heterosexual.
  3. Two students applied to 25 colleges, and at least one student was accepted to 24 colleges.
  4. Jews are the most likely religious group to have had sex before college, but the least likely to identify as religious or very religious.
  5. Even if they don't know it yet, many students will sell out and get jobs in consulting four years from now.
  6. 81% of the Class of 2017 was the president of one or more club in high school, and 2% ran six or more clubs.
  7. While students not recruited for athletics had an average SAT score of 2255, recruited athletes on average scored more than 170 points worse.
  8. Harvard gained national attention this year for a cheating scandal, and the incoming 42% of students who cheated on a homework assignment in high school won't be helping.
  9. 91% of incoming students don't have a fake ID, and 40% have never tried alcohol.
  10. Almost half of the males in the class plan on earning over $70,000 in their first job out of school, compared to 28% of females.


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