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GET READY FOR DRAMA: Here's your preview of this week's big market-moving events

Sam Ro   

GET READY FOR DRAMA: Here's your preview of this week's big market-moving events

model colorful confusing street signs car wash Moschino

REUTERS/ Alessandro Garofalo

A model presents a creation from the Moschino Spring/Summer 2016 collection during Milan Fashion Week in Italy, September 24, 2015.

"Last week, Fed drama; next week, fiscal drama," Bank of America Merrill Lynch's Savita Subramanian quipped.

Expect lots of drama. Then again, drama and uncertainty define the nature of the economy and the markets. It's always been that way.

On Thursday, Fed Chair Janet Yellen told an audience at UMass Amherst that while current inflation readings remain low, those numbers are being held down mostly be "transitory" special factors.

"I expect that inflation will return to 2% over the next few years as the temporary factors that are currently weighing on inflation wane, provided that economic growth continues to be strong enough to complete the return to maximum employment and long-run inflation expectations remain well anchored," Yellen said, who also reiterated her expectation for an initial fed funds rate hike this year.

"But if the economy surprises us, our judgments about appropriate monetary policy will change."

"Surprises," she caveated. It's always something.

Speaking of surprises, it's jobs week in America. Also, 10 of the 17 members of the Fed have public speaking engagements this week. Also, the US government is on the brink of shutting down. Again.

Here's your Monday Scouting Report:

Top Stories

  • Countdown to shutdown. In case you haven't been paying attention, the US government will shut down if Congress can't agree on a fiscal 2016 budget by September 30. Analysts say the odds of a shutdown are actually quite low, and if a shutdown were to occur, it probably won't be that bad. Bank of America Merrill Lynch equity strategist Savita Subramanian remembers the shutdown of 2013: "We have seen this movie before. While the driver for disagreement in Washington revolves around Planned Parenthood, a social issue, today, the current environment has numerous other similarities with 2013: taper talk in 2013 replaced by tightening talk today, a sluggish but improving economy, and tensions in Washington DC bubbling up, according to the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index. The S&P 500 actually rose by 2.4% during the 2013 shutdown, which was the second longest in US history - 16 days, eclipsed only by the 21-day shutdown in 1996, during which the market was also up. The rest of the shutdowns since 1981 were resolved in less than five days without so much as a 2% pullback in stocks. In general, average S&P 500 returns have been flat to positive in the month preceding a shutdown (+0.4%), during the shutdown (+0.4%) and the month following a shutdown (+2.8%)."
  • Yellen's inflation presentation had one unsettling chart. Janet Yellen's presentation on Thursday included nine slides. The ninth slide captured how things can go wrong. Here's Yellen: "... The economic outlook, of course, is highly uncertain and it is conceivable, for example, that inflation could remain appreciably below our 2% target despite the apparent anchoring of inflation expectations. Here, Japan's recent history may be instructive: As shown in figure 9, survey measures of longer-term expected inflation in that country remained positive and stable even as that country experienced many years of persistent, mild deflation. The explanation for the persistent divergence between actual and expected inflation in Japan is not clear, but I believe that it illustrates a problem faced by all central banks: Economists' understanding of the dynamics of inflation is far from perfect."


Federal Reserve

Fed Speak

  • Members of the Federal Reserve Board will be speaking all week. Here's Wells Fargo's Sam Bullard with the roundup: "Fed officials come out in force on the speaker circuit this upcoming week. On Monday, New York Fed President Dudley (voter, dove) will be interviewed by The Wall Street Journal's Jon Hilsenrath on a variety of topics including interest rate increases and inflation expectations. Later that day, Chicago Fed President Evans, (voter, dove) speaks in Milwaukee on "A Perspective on Monetary Policy." Also on Monday, San Francisco Fed President Williams (voter, moderate) speaks in Los Angeles on the U.S. economic outlook. On Wednesday, New York Fed President Dudley delivers the keynote address at a liquidity forum sponsored by SIFMA. Wednesday afternoon Fed Chair Yellen (voter, dove) and St. Louis Fed President Bullard (non-voter, moderate) speak in St. Louis at the Fed's annual community banking conference. Later that evening Fed Governor Brainard (voter, moderate) also speaks at the Fed conference on the outlook for community banking. On Thursday, San Francisco Fed President Williams speaks in Salt Lake City, delivering a speech on the U.S. outlook. On Friday, Fed Vice Chairman Fischer (voter, moderate) speaks in Boston on monetary policy. Other conference speakers include Boston Fed President Rosengren (non-voter, dove), New York Fed President Dudley, Cleveland Fed President Mester (non-voter, moderate) and Minneapolis Fed President Kocherlakota (non-voter, dove). Clearly, the financial markets will be balancing Fed officials' comments this week alongside the indicators to judge where policymakers stand as they head towards the October 27-28 FOMC meeting."

new york stock exchange traders janet yellen

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Traders work underneath a television screen showing Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.

Economic Calendar

  • Personal Income And Spending (Mon): Economists estimate income grew by 0.4% in August while spending climbed by 0.3%. Here's Wells Fargo's John Silvia: "While real spending activity has continued to pick up, the rate of saving has also been increasing, reflecting the continued caution exhibited by consumers. The slide in gasoline prices has also helped to support saving and spending behavior. Disposable income rose 0.4% in July, marking the fourth month in a row of growth. We expect that consumer ?spending rose 0.3% in August with real spending also growing by 0.3%. The continued growth in consumer spending has been supported by greater full-time job growth and low inflation. We expect these themes to continue through the end of this year."
  • Pending Home Sales (Mon): Economists estimate pending sales increased by 0.4% in August. Here's Bank of America Merrill Lynch: "We expect pending home sales will slip 0.5% mom in August, a slight reversal after the solid performance in the first half of the year. Mortgage purchase applications weakened in August and although the correlation with pending home sales is low, it gives a sense of the risks to the direction of sales."
  • Dallas Fed Manufacturing (Mon): Economists estimate this manufacturing index improved to -10 in September from -15.8 in August.
  • S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index (Tues): Economists estimate home prices climbed by 0.10% month-over-month in July or 5.15% year-over-year. Here's Bank of America Merrill Lynch: "Case-Shiller home prices are likely to increase 0.4% mom SA, leaving the annual growth rate to increase to 4.7% yoy. This would be a notable improvement after the sluggish prints over the past three months. Our expectation for a gain in Case-Shiller is based on the strong performance of CoreLogic home prices. Even if we assume a downward revision to CoreLogic, which has been the trend, it is still pointing to a pickup in home price appreciation."
  • Consumer Confidence Index (Tues): Economists estimate the Conference Board's index of sentiment fell to 96.0 in September from 101.5 in August. Here's BNP Paribas: "The pace of labor market improvement remains solid, though it slowed in August. In the first half of September, we saw gasoline prices continue their descent; while equities were volatile, but little changed. Global developments have been broadly negative and are likely to have weighed on confidence in September. Nevertheless, we are looking for consumer optimism to remain elevated, in line with our forecast for a pickup in consumer spending ahead."
  • ADP Employment Change (Wed): Economists estimate US private payrolls increased by 190,000 in September.
  • Chicago PMI (Wed): Economists estimate this regional activity index slipped to 53.0 in September from 54.4 in August. From HSBC: "Growth in manufacturing activity has slowed this year. The Empire State, Philadelphia Fed, and Richmond Fed manufacturing indexes were quite weak in September, coming in at -15, -6, and -5, respectively. According to the most recent Beige Book, manufacturing production in the Chicago district continued to grow at a moderate pace in July and early August. Metals manufacturers supplying the auto and aerospace industries tended to see strong growth, while those serving the oil and gas industry experienced declining orders. The Chicago PMI has averaged 51.1 so far this year, down from an average of 60.7 in 2014."
  • Auto Sales (Thurs): Analysts estimate the pace of vehicle sales slipped to an annualized rate of 17.5 million units in September. From Nomura: "Auto sales exceeded 17mn SAAR for the second consecutive month in August, the first time this has happened since summer 2005. To date, vehicle sales are on pace to hit 17 million units in 2015. Loose lending standards have been a boon for the auto sector and should remain favorable in the near term. "
  • Initial Jobless Claims (Thurs): Economists estimate initial claims climbed to 272,000 from 267,000 a week ago. From HSBC: "Last week's initial jobless claims reading increased to 267,000 from 264,000 the previous week. The 4-week average was 271,750, still close to the lowest level in several decades. "
  • Markit US Manufacturing PMI (Thurs): Economists estimate this manufacturing index printed at 53.0 in September. "Manufacturing remained stuck in crawler gear in September, fighting an uphill battle against the stronger dollar, slumping demand in many export markets and reduced capital spending, especially by the energy sector," Markit's Chris Williamson said.
  • Construction Spending (Thurs): Economists estimate spending increased by 0.6% in August. From Morgan Stanley's Ted Wieseman: "Recent strength in housing starts points to a 2.3% gain in homebuilding, high since December, but a turn lower in our nonresidential permits tracker is pointing to a flattening out in private nonresidential spending in the second half after strong gains averaging 2.2% in the first half of the year."
  • ISM Manufacturing (Thurs): Economists estimate this manufacturing index declined to 50.6 in September from 51.1 in August. From Barclays: "Regional survey measures of manufacturing activity suggest downside for new orders and production relative to last month's levels. Additionally, our models point to a sharp decline in the inventories index. In keeping with the sluggish tone of the overall manufacturing sector, we expect the ISM index to ease to the lowest level since 2013 in the September reading."
  • The Jobs Report (Fri): Economists estimate US companies added 202,000 nonfarm payrolls in September, driven by the addition of 197,000 private payrolls. The unemployment rate is expected to be unchanged at 5.1%. Average hourly earnings are estimated to have increased by 0.2% month-over-month or 2.4% year-over-year.
  • Factory Orders (Fri): Economists estimate orders fell by 1.3% in August. Here's Nomura: "Factory orders have been shaky since late last year due to the plethora of headwinds in the industrial sector. Factory orders are likely to be week again in August, as the decline in total durable goods orders in August sets a low baseline for factory orders."

Market Commentary

Volatility continues to reign in the stock market. The S&P 500 fell 1.3% last week. At 1,931, the index is now down 6.1% for the year.

"It has been another dreadful week for equities, with mounting concerns about China's economy, the downturn in commodities hurting Brazil and EM and rising distrust of equity market stability, have resulted in another week of a 'buyers strike'," FundStrat's Tom Lee wrote. "And with fundamental investors de-risking, markets are seeing a rise in selling pressure and potentially a greater impact from systematic and quantitatively driven participants."

"In aggregate, sentiment, net sell side recommendations and flows are more negative relative to other regions," Credit Suisse's Andrew Garthwaite said of US equities on Friday.

"Not surprisingly, our Panic/Euphoria Model is now in panic territory and has been for four weeks," Citi's Tobias Levkovich said on Thursday.

"The real question, in the back of many investors' mind is whether a bear market is underway, or does this remain a correction in the context of a continued healthy economic expansion and bull market?" Lee asked.

Lee believes we're just experiencing a bump in a bull market. His peer Brian Belski at BMO Capital Markets would agree.

"[W]e believe it is times like this when investors must keep things in perspective and stick with their investment discipline since reactionary decisions typically do more harm than good for investment returns," Belski wrote on Friday. "And despite the surge in bearish prognostications since the market nosedived during August, everything in our fundamental, quantitative and macro work still suggests that US stocks should finish the year at higher levels, and by no means do recent developments alter our longer-term secular bull market stance."

Like many bulls, Belski feels that this type of selling is actually a good thing.

"Our work shows that corrections are a normal and healthy part of all bull markets, so we are not reading too much into the recent weakness, particularly since the last one occurred over three years ago," he said. "Stated differently, the market was long overdue for some consolidation."

If history is any sign of what's to happen next, we could see a sharp rally.

selloff rally belski

BMO Capital Markets

For the most part, the bulls also argue that their rosy forecasts also hinge on earnings growth accelerating again. This is a problem as the near-term expectations are for no growth. And earnings are the most important driver of stock prices.

To make matters worse, valuations have historically contracted when the Fed began new rate hike cycles.

"The lesson from the past seven tightening cycles is that equities may wobble when the Fed raises rates, but quickly recoup losses," HSBC's Ben Laidler wrote. "The key to this positive historical performance is earnings growth. Valuation multiples typically contract as the Fed tightens."

Without earnings growth, contracting valuations - as measured by the price-to-earnings (PE) ratio - mean stock prices will have to fall.

rate hikes stocks


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