French taxi unions are staging a nationwide protest again Uber in Paris, according to The Verge and posts on social media.
The protests started earlier today and have shut down much of Paris, according to to France 24.
According to police, 20 arrests have been made so far.
Journée de grèves tous azimuts, des incidents côté #taxis : le point secteur par secteur
- La Voix du Nord web (@lavoixdunord) January 26, 2016
Taxi unions are angry that Uber drivers do not need a license to operate. The French government sells taxi licenses but limits the number, creating a secondary market where they sell for up to $200,000 (£140,000).
Les chauffeurs de #taxis bloquent à pied le périphérique parisien sur la Porte #Maillot @BFMTV @BFMTV_Inside
- Igor Sahiri (@IgorSahiri) January 26, 2016
French taxi drivers strike against #Uber. Again
- POLITICO Europe (@POLITICOEurope) January 26, 2016
#Taxis: Apres avoir jeté des pneus sur les voitures, les grévistes incendient le périph. CRS interviennent (@BFMTV)
- Julien Migaud-Muller (@jul_mm) January 26, 2016