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Four Uncomfortable Questions From Christie's Press Conference

Josh Barro   

Four Uncomfortable Questions From Christie's Press Conference

Chris Christie

AP Images

The thrust of Gov. Chris Christie's (R-N.J.) Bridgegate press conference this morning has been: I didn't know, my staff lied to me, I'm so embarrassed, I'm sorry.

Let's say he's telling the truth. That's almost worse than if he's lying.

Here are the four big uncomfortable questions that arise from the story Chris Christie is telling today:

  • How did Christie not know? There were 117 days between when the Bridgegate story broke and when the governor learned that one of his Deputy Chiefs of Staff, Bridget Kelly, had called for the lane closures. One of his close confidants whom he just selected to run the New Jersey Republican Party, Bill Stepien, is also implicated. Despite the fact that increasing national attention was being paid to this story through the fall, Christie - who has a background as an aggressive prosecutor! - had no idea some of his closest allies were involved. Why was he so oblivious? Christie has been reduced to insisting that his staff has been out to control and lying to him about what they're doing. That's not an ideal talking point to have to lean on.
  • Why would Christie's appointees have thought this was a good idea? Politicians survive scandals of staff misbehavior all the time. But in this instance, the misbehavior was conducted on Christie's behalf, in order to execute a political strategy to benefit the governor. How did Christie create a culture in which his appointees in his administration and at the Port Authority would get together and assume this was something the governor would want them to do?
  • Why didn't anybody narc on Bridget Kelly? The governor says Kelly lied to him and said she had no involvement in the bridge lane closures. But Kelly wasn't the only person who knew Kelly was involved. In August, she emailed David Wildstein, Port Authority Director of Interstate Capital Projects: "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee." Wildstein is an old high school friend of Christie. Wouldn't Wildstein have told the governor, in the process of tendering his resignation, that Kelly had told him to do it? Bill Baroni, Christie's top appointee at the Port Authority, was also checking in with Wildstein about whether "Trenton" was happy with the handling of the closures. Why didn't Baroni tell the governor his staff had known?
  • When did Christie really learn about his staff's involvement? Christie described discovering the story in the Bergen Record yesterday morning after his workout. But he also said he hasn't slept well "the last two nights" because of his soul searching. If Christie didn't know about this story until Wednesday morning, why did it cause him to lose sleep on Tuesday night?


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