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FORMER WALL STREET ANALYST: 'It could've easily been me'

Julia La Roche   

FORMER WALL STREET ANALYST: 'It could've easily been me'

Morgan Stanley Foursquare

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'Sitting in the dark because the motion censored lights had gone out, because I hadn't moved from my desk in so long, I remember crying from sheer fatigue and feeling too helpless to do anything about it.'

In the last couple of years, there's been a number of suicides and unexpected deaths among financial-services employees. Banks have been trying to do more to improve the lifestyles of their employees, especially the junior ones. A former analyst at a bulge bracket bank, who will remain anonymous, weighed in on surviving those first few years. (Note: This article has been lightly edited for clarity).

Analysts and associates need to stop wearing their 100-hour weeks as a badge of pride. They need to stand up for themselves when they feel their mental and physical well-being slipping. I know that's hard. I've been there.

Reading these articles, about Sarvshreshth Gupta's death, Thomas Hughes' death, my heart goes out to their families. I surprised myself with how emotional I got, because it could've easily been me a few years ago.

More than once, I stood in the middle of Broadway, instead of on the sidewalk, trying to flag down a cab at some ungodly hour, half trying to get a ride home and half hoping to just get hit by oncoming traffic. Thomas Hughes even lived in the same apartment building I lived in, 3 floors above me, and my mind flashed to the huge window in my bedroom that overlooked New York Harbor and the Statue of Liberty, the one that opened wide and didn't even have a screen.

Instead, I'm visiting my parents this week, sitting next to my mom chatting, and all I can think is "Thank God, I'm still here."

I wasn't suicidal. Not really. At least not in the traditional sense of depression and wanting to end it all. I don't want to be glib about the issue, it's something very real that many people deal with every day. My point is simply that after a period of extended sleep deprivation, your brain does this thing where it pretty much stops working.

You become delirious, irrational, and emotional, at risk of doing something stupid (I'm pretty sure this is now backed by science). In banking, we are all too often given the opportunity to get to this point. Myself and too many former colleagues have been at the edge, metaphorically speaking, or not.

Sarv Gupta's father writes about telling his son to go home after working for far too long, only to get the response "I can't." I remember uttering those exact same two words to my father on the phone, alone in the bullpen after everyone else had gone home for the night, as he begged me to go home too and get some sleep.

Sitting in the dark because the motion censored lights had gone out, because I hadn't moved from my desk in so long, I remember crying from sheer fatigue and feeling too helpless to do anything about it.

The irony in the investment banking lifestyle is that the lack of work life balance that junior bankers are seen as the victims of, are often, the same thing that we take significant pride in. You can sense that pride when you read Barclays second-year analyst Justin Kwan's "10 Commandments" email to the interns.

How often do we hear co-workers say "sleep is for the weak" or "I'll sleep when I'm dead"? Putting in the long hours, the all-nighters, and weekends, that's what separates "those who have what it takes" and "those who don't." "It is what it is" and "failure is not an option."

As an individual steeped in this hyper-achievement focused culture (that very likely extends far back into college and grade school years), any sign of weakness is a direct threat to who you are, even when your mind and body can no longer take it. Especially then.

While it's great that banks are finally starting to take initiatives to address this lifestyle issue, I don't expect these types of tragedies to end until junior bankers start taking personal responsibility for their own well-being.

If you haven't slept in two days, go home. It's common sense. Get someone to cover for you and return the favor down the road. So maybe you'll miss a deadline or get yelled at, but it won't be the end of the world (nor the end of your career).

We are not a group of people who garners much sympathy. And why should we? We're young, educated, and overpaid. With few exceptions, we've worked hard but life has not been hard on us.

So stop taking this job so seriously and pretending like you're helpless. Wall Street hired us for being smart, there is much we can still contribute to the world in our lifetimes. There's a long road ahead, in finance or in something else. It's not life and death, don't make it life and death.

If you'd like to share your insights about your experience as an analyst on Wall Street, feel free to send an email to We'll be discreet.

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