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Former Tennis Star Charged With Battery And Stalking Her Ex-Boyfriend

Mar 22, 2013, 02:03 IST

A. Messerschmidt/Getty ImagesFormer tennis star Jennifer Capriati has been charged with battery and stalking her ex-boyfriend Ivan Brannan, according to documents obtained by Gossip Extra.


The Florida court documents state that Capriati "did actually and intentionally touch or strike Ivan Brannan Jr." against his will "or did intentionally cause bodily harm" to Brannan. The documents also state that Capriati "did willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follow, harass, or cyberstalk" Brannan.

Gossip Extra reports that witnesses allegedly saw Capriati hit Brannan in the chest at a fitness club. Brannan allegedly tried to get a restraining order against Capriati last year.

Capriati was ranked as the number one tennis player in the world in 2001 and won three grand slam titles, and an Olympic Gold medal.

Capriati is expected to appear in court on April 17th.


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