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Floyd Mayweather confuses meaning of 'Me Too' movement, says he 'too' has private jets and billions of dollars

Jan 11, 2018, 01:40 IST

Isaac Brekken/AP

  • Floyd Mayweather appeared to confuse the meaning of the "Me Too" movement during an interview.
  • Once told the movement's meaning, Mayweather bragged about his wealth, saying he "too" has private jets and billions of dollars.
  • Pressed again on the subject, Mayweather said he does not think sexual misconduct is "cool."

Floyd Mayweather Jr. appeared to confuse the meaning of the "Me Too" movement during an interview with Men's Health.

During an interview at CES to promote his new virtual reality boxing game, Mayweather was asked about the "Me Too" movement, which promotes awareness of sexual harassment and assault, he he asked, "The who?"

Once told the movement's meaning, Mayweather said he uses the expression "me too" to discuss his wealth.

"When you say 'me too,' my thing is this, when somebody is like, 'I got a Rolls Royce,' I be like 'me too,'" Mayweather said. "When somebody say they got a private jet, I say, 'I got two. Me too.'"


When the interviewer said the meaning of the movement was "very different," Mayweather said, "I didn't know!"

"My me too movement from the beginning was, like, when somebody says they got it, I'll be like, 'me too.'"

Mayweather served prison time in 2011 for domestic battery and has faced other allegations. Pressed again on the movement, Mayweather said he doesn't think sexual misconduct is "cool."

"You live and you learn," Mayweather said. "I think everyone, if you're in an uncomfortable position, you have to pray about it, you know, talk about it, and I think that, you know, sexual harassment, I don't think it's cool at all."

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