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Florida Gulf Coast Student Tells A Great Story About How He Became Friends With A Basketball Player

Mar 28, 2013, 22:18 IST

Rob Carr/Getty ImagesFlorida Gulf Coast University has been overtaken with pride since its team became the first 15-seed to reach the Sweet 16 last weekend.


Earlier this week, the Eagle News (the student newspaper) wrote a story about what it's like on campus right now.

It contains one amazing anecdote about how a student became friends with basketball player Sherwood Brown:

"I know Sherwood (Brown) personally. We used to skip math class together freshman year. It was an honor, and we’ve been friends ever since. Ever since then I knew he could do it. I knew we could win together as a school."

The article also contains this line:


"To the beach!" one voice exploded from the crowd.

There are more reasons to love FGCU than we can count right now.

They play with an infectious enthusiasm, they throw alley-oops non-stop, they dance, their coach is married to a former Maxim model, and the campus is literally on the beach.

They play Florida tomorrow night.

When he said, "To the beach!" he is referring to the campus beach (those are dorms in the background):


Florida Gulf Coast University

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