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Five Tips To Ward Off Post-Valentine’s Day Blues

Five Tips To Ward Off
Post-Valentine’s Day Blues

Valentine’s Day had come and gone, but did the romantic weekend leave you loveless, dateless and lonely? Well, it’s not exactly your fault. Finding love or retaining a relationship, for that matter, has become all too difficult in these tough times when all of us are financially stressed, struggling to cope with inflation, unemployment and policy uncertainty as India goes to polls later this year. With so much uncertainty in the air, people are waiting longer before they get into a steady relationship; marriages are falling out of favour (in fact, the US seems to be leading the way here) and divorce rates are hitting an all-time high.

So do not make things too difficult for yourself if your Valentine’s Day did not end in roses, chocolates, date, dinner and gifts. Whether you are single, in a relationship or contemplating marriage, it’s time for some serious soul-searching to get ahead. Now is the time to go beyond mere celebrations and put things into perspective – so that your priorities are clear. It will be great if you can work your way towards a long and healthy relationship, keeping all the practical obstacles in mind. But don’t feel too shocked if you realise that your priorities lie elsewhere – that’s another way of looking at life and making it worthwhile. Here are five quick tips to ward off post-Valentine’s Day blues, so that you can redefine life, love and relationships.

Be the soul surfer.
Act mature and understand your priorities. If you are a couple with loads of differences, talk things out with your partner. Unless there’s a good level of understanding between you two, no problem can be sorted out – be it as crucial as working in different cities or as trivial as what movie you should watch this Saturday. Even if you decide to break up and move on because your priorities are not matching, a good understanding of the situation will help you get over the pain and bitterness without too many emotional scars (a lot of people are actually friends with their ex). On the other hand, if you are single and looking around, you should know what you expect from your prospective partner.

Give love to those who need it.
And that is not just limited to your significant other. A mother of two felt her first priority was her kids and her Valentine Day celebrations mostly evolved around the two as she took special care to show her ‘love and commitment’ on that day. But love is not meant for your immediate family alone. A single friend from Mumbai decided to adopt a disabled cat from a local pet shelter because she ‘needed a pet and the pet needed as much love and care as possible.’ A group of friends love teaching underprivileged kids while another group of women frequently work for orphanages/old-age homes to give back to the society the love they feel for it. “It’s all about showing the love you have – for your family, for your buddy, pets, hobbies or even a cause you strongly feel about,” says Meenakshi Khanna, a Social Science student. “Just like you have an extended family, consider V-Day as the best occasion to extend your love and you will never feel lonely again,” she adds.

Laugh often and be thankful.
There is no dark cloud that a gale of laughter can’t blow away. So smile whenever you can and no setback can bog you down. Deal with your ego and learn to appreciate what others are saying. Be empathetic and helpful in the genuine sense, and you will soon find your way to others’ hearts. “I pick up a favourite book or watch a funny movie I love when things get tough,” says Rangana Dasgupta who has recently gone through a painful break-up. “They make me happy and make me laugh, and I feel ready for the reality again,” she says. Be thankful, if you are in a great relationship or if you have a great support system that is always there to help you. That way, you will always feel strong enough to handle any situation.

Go for a personal makeover.
Pay heed to the old saying – you can’t love anyone unless you love yourself. So how about a personal makeover this spring-summer and getting the things done you have been longing to do for some time? You need not look dowdy just because you are not dating anybody. Looking good and flaunting chic clothes are bound to restore your confidence and you will be all ready to take on the world.

It’s your life… live it well.
Remember that Francesca Battistelli track from the album My Paper Heart? Well, that exactly sums up the attitude you should have not only to ward off Valentine’s Day blues but to take control of your life. Think positive even when relationships don’t work out. It’s the kind of life experience one must go through now and then. Eat healthy, sleep well and stay fit – that physical stamina is needed to face tougher challenges in life. Don’t let go of any chance to grow – both in your personal and professional life. And indulge yourself when you really want to. People who feel they have somewhat failed in their personal life, often try to put way too much effort at the workplace to prove their worth. But in doing so, they tip the work-life balance miserably and wreck their life. So take a break when you need to, go on a vacation and mentally detox yourself. It’s your life and you only know best what you gonna do to live it well.

Image: Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images


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