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YANIS VAROUFAKIS: If Greece votes 'Yes' on Sunday, I'll no longer be finance minister

Mike Bird,Oscar Williams-Grut   

YANIS VAROUFAKIS: If Greece votes 'Yes' on Sunday, I'll no longer be finance minister
Finance2 min read

Yanis Varoufakis

REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis answers a question during a parliamentary session in Athens June 11, 2015.

Yanis Varoufakis, Greece's embattled finance minister, just told Bloomberg TV that he'll no longer be in his job if the Greek people vote "Yes" in Sunday's bailout referendum.

The government is pushing for a "No" vote, rejecting they deal that they helped to negotiating, saying that it isn't acceptable to the country.

Greece is in a state of crisis currently, with shuttered banks, and limits of how much depositors can withdraw from cash machines. A "No" vote could push the country out of the eurozone entirely.

Here are some snippets of what Varoufakis said:

"If there's a yes vote then we will sign the agreement. We may have to reconfigure the government because some of us will not be able to stomach it. I will not sign another extend and pretend deal. But I will not scupper it."

When he was asked if he'll still be in his job if that happens, Varoufakis said "I will not. But I will help whoever is. There's no sense in speculating now."

Varoufakis also said "I'd rather cut my arm off" than sign up to a deal without debt restructuring - something the Syriza government wants, but much of the rest of Europe has refused so far.

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