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These 10 degrees get UK graduates the highest paid jobs right now

10. Mathematics degree

These 10 degrees get UK graduates the highest paid jobs right now

9. Mechanical engineering degree

9. Mechanical engineering degree

Average pay: £39,106 ($61,148)

Jobs you can get: Aerospace, defence, automotive, and construction engineer

Current vacancies: Systems engineer, defence/aerospace

Engineering degrees in general are in short supply, just like maths, and they form part of the STEM subjects that the government is encouraging people to study — science, technology, engineering and maths.

8. Science

8. Science

Average pay: £40,409 ($63,185)

Jobs you can get: Pharmaceuticals industry, chemical engineering, finance

Current vacancies: Microbiologist, pharmaceuticals

The government is currently trying to encourage more scientific entrepreneurship in the UK through initiatives such as MedCity in London, and the completion of the Francis Crick Institute next year — a huge research institute in London — will provide a further boost. Like most of the degrees here, the technical and highly-skilled nature of science means grads can command higher salaries.

7. Architecture

7. Architecture

Average pay: £40,788 ($63,778)

Jobs you can get: Architect, interior designer

Current vacancies: Architect, Hampshire

It takes 7 years to become a fully qualified architect, including several years working in agencies on placements. That means many of the junior roles are taken up by people still studying and actual graduate level jobs are higher up than most other careers. There's also a building boom in London and the south, which is good news for architects.

6. Finance

6. Finance

Average pay: £40,908 ($63,965)

Jobs you can get: Accountant, banker, financial analyst

Current vacancies: Senior finance consultant, Recital Consulting

Unsurprisingly, finance degrees make the list. Careers in finance have long been some of the best paid in the world and now that the global financial industry is largely back on its feet, both hiring and pay are picking up.

5. Economics

5. Economics

Average pay: £41,144 ($64,334)

Jobs you can get: Economist, banker, financial analyst, statistician

Current vacancies: Financial analyst, cosmetic and beauty brand

Economics graduates are pretty much in the same boat as finance. Often graduates of both subjects will find themselves fighting over the same jobs, although the more high-minded economists outnumber finance grads in careers like statisticians and, of course, economic think tanks.

4. Computer science

4. Computer science

Average pay: £41,950 ($65,595)

Jobs you can get: Developer, systems administrator, IT consultant

Current vacancies: SQL Database Developer, Kent

While many of the most successful figures in the world of technology are actually computer science drop outs like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, those who do graduate will do pretty well too. With technology touching more and more industries, the demand for people who can write a good database or build a beautiful website is only growing.

3. Accounting

3. Accounting

Average pay: £42,404 ($66,305)

Jobs you can get: Accountant, management trainee, actuary

Current vacancies: Accountant, Watford

A career in accounting is one of the most stable and predictable jobs you can get in the UK. The so-called "Big Four" — KPMG, PwC, Deloitte and EY — hoover up thousands of graduates each year, who then climb the ladder over the years. Britain's accountants are also among the most revered in the world, working all around the globe, and therefore pull in big fees.

2. Engineering

2. Engineering

Average pay: £42,837 ($66,982)

Jobs you can get: Aerospace, defence, automotive, chemical, and construction engineer; patent officer; management consulting

Current vacancies: Patent formalities officer, Warwickshire

Just like mechanical engineers, there is more demand for engineers than supply. An engineering degree, although less specialised, is seem by some employers as more comprehensive than a mechanical engineering degree, which specifically focuses on building machinery (unsurprisingly). There's therefore even more of a scramble for engineering degrees and pay is a bit higher.

1. Civil engineering

1. Civil engineering

Average pay: £44,851 ($70,131)

Jobs you can get: Civil engineer, surveyor, site engineer, structural engineer, environmental consultant

Current vacancies: Civil engineer, Edinburgh

Top of the pile are civil engineering degrees. These are the guys who build bridges, dams, railroads and buildings. Not only do they work in highly skilled roles but the current boom in skyscrapers across London and huge infrastructure projects like Crossrail and HS2 means there's plenty of high-paying work for civil engineers.
