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The 10 worst style mistakes a man can make, according to women - and how to avoid them

10. Jean shorts.

The 10 worst style mistakes a man can make, according to women - and how to avoid them

9. Baggy jeans.

9. Baggy jeans.

"Baggy/'relaxed fit' jeans in general." — kidkvlt

Baggy jeans remind us of the '90s. We've come pretty far since then, and baggy jeans should be relegated to the same bin as Furbies and frosted tips.

Instead wear: Jeans that fit on the slim or even skinny side.

8. Inappropriate head wear.

8. Inappropriate head wear.

"Fedoras. Just stop with them. It's not 1935." — Baron3ss

Hats — especially fedoras and other dressy hats — are completely passe in 2016. They look very out of place today, and will always make it look like you're trying too hard.

Instead wear: Absolutely nothing on your head.

7. Improper grooming.

7. Improper grooming.

"Just ... not grooming. Not trimming beards ... that sort of thing." — deleted

Grooming is important, guys. When a guy is unkempt, others will start to notice.

Instead wear: A neatly trimmed beard, stubble, or no facial hair at all.

6. Fake glasses.

6. Fake glasses.

"My ex used to wear glasses even though he didn't need them and it was really obvious that he didn't and he looked like an idiot." — howlingatthemoobs

It goes like this: If you're not wearing those glasses to see, you're not doing yourself any favors. And if you do wear nonprescription glasses, absolutely do not talk about it.

Instead wear: Prescription glasses or nothing at all.

5. Socks with sandals.

5. Socks with sandals.

"Socks and sandals, especially white socks and sandals." — jmk816

Socks and sandals are never a good look. In fact, we named them one of the 11 deadly sins of men's style for that very reason.

Instead wear: A slick pair of white sneakers without socks.

4. Tucked-in shirts that aren't supposed to be tucked.

4. Tucked-in shirts that aren

"Tucking your non-dress shirt into your non-dress pants." — mahayana

There's an easy test for this. If your shirt has long tails, it's meant to be tucked in. If it has no tails, it's not meant to be tucked in. If it has short tails, it's your call.

Go forth and tuck correctly.

Instead wear: Your tailed-shirts tucked, and your nontailed shirts untucked.

3. Pleated khaki pants.

3. Pleated khaki pants.

"Stay away from those god awful khaki old man pants with the pleats in the front." — ocm09876

Pleats are generally considered unflattering, and should be avoided. The extra fold of fabric creates an odd, billowing silhouette that is best avoided if you're on the average-to-skinny side of pant sizes.

Instead wear: Flat-front, slim-fit chinos.

2. Clothes that don't fit.

2. Clothes that don

"Wearing clothes that are waay too big for them!" — ocm09876

Over and over again, we at Business Insider have emphasized fit over everything else when it comes to clothing. We're not kidding. Well-fitting clothing is more flattering no matter what your body type is.

Instead wear: Clothes that fit well. (For suits, our guide is a good place to start.)

1. Loud shirts with writing, graphics, or flames on them.

1. Loud shirts with writing, graphics, or flames on them.

"Those shirts with the flames on them, oh lordy..." — sapandsawdust

This should go without saying, but apparently it needs to be said. Anything with graphics, flames, witty sayings, or logos on it needs to be turned into trash immediately.

They're not clever. They're not cute, and they're a serious turn-off.

Instead wear: Literally any other shirt.

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