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I read a classic book about how to find a rich husband - here's the main advice

Get a makeover.

I read a classic book about how to find a rich husband - here's the main advice

Don't fish for compliments.


"Even as someone tells you that you look great, or that your clothes are fine, their estimation of you has gone down. So don't even hint for compliments," she writes.

Here's what she says about starting — and ending — a conversation.


"It doesn't take much to create a conversation with someone. All you have to do is comment on anything that's happening or something you see," Wright advises. That's a good tip for anyone who is awkward at making the first move.

But she tells her readers to stop the conversation first. "Whatever you do, when you initiate the conversation, make sure you are the first to end it and move on. Don't wait until there are signs that someone is getting tired of talking to you," she writes.

Party amongst the wealthy.

Party amongst the wealthy.

"You may think you have a better standard of living by staying in a nicer place in a low-rent area, but you're programming yourself to always stay at that level," she writes.

Wright encourages her readers to go to wealthy, cool neighborhoods.

"Become familiar with the area, shopping in the local supermarket and specialty stores. Walk or jog only in the best areas. And join the neighborhood gym—but only if you can work out during the day," she writes. She even encourages people with jobs, like nurses and lawyers, to make sure they are working in wealthy areas.

She also tells people to go to opening nights of various performing arts festivals. "One thing you can be sure of—anytime there's an opening night, wealthy people will be in attendance. It doesn't matter whether it's a classical concert, opera, ballet or film festival, always try to attend an opening night."

Don't ever complain.


"Don't ever complain about being bored or lonely. It's an immediate turn-off, even if you aren't interested in someone as a potential mate," Wright writes.

Play hard to get.

Play hard to get.

"Don't make the mistake of being too available. Sure you have to make enough time to develop the relationship, but you shouldn't let it disrupt the rest of your life," she says.

When it comes to giving out phone numbers, she says, "make them work for it. After all, you don't just give your number to anyone who asks."

And don't let anyone know you're into someone. "When you're interested in someone, don't tell anyone. Let your relationship grow before you start hashing it over with your best friend—otherwise you're speculating dreams."

Arrange "casual encounters."

Arrange "casual encounters."

"Once you know where someone works or lives, you can arrange casual encounters there. But make sure weeks pass in between, otherwise your intentions will be too transparent," she writes.

It also pays to get to know someone's friends. "When you see someone interesting, take a moment and note who they're with. Then take any opportunity you can to talk to those people—be casual and friendly, but establish some sort of connection before you move on," Wright offers.

Ask for what you want.

Ask for what you want.

"Ask for small things as well as big things—from a flower you can carry, to the key to their apartment. Ask for a phone call one night, and an impromptu champagne celebration the next," Wright suggests.

However, she says to not make ultimatums about the relationship. "Don't put the relationship on the line when you argue. The time to make it clear you intend to get what you want is before or after an argument, not during."

Don't compare your new significant other to your old significant other.


"Whatever you do, don't compare your potential mate to people from past relationships, even if it's positive. No one appreciates being judged," Wright writes.

Notice how they interact with their family.

Notice how they interact with their family.

"Pay attention to the interpersonal relationships among the family. Mothers are particularly important for both men and women—notice the things your potential mate admires about them, as well as what they dislike," she writes.

Nothing is set in stone.

Nothing is set in stone.

"If you want to get married, set a date before you move in together. It can even be as vague as 'a year from spring.' Don't assume that once you're living together, marriage will come next," she says.

Until then, though, keep dating.

"If it's marriage you want, then date other people until you are engaged. If it's full financial support, then that's what you must get before you stop dating," she writes.

Should you decide to tie the knot, don't rush to sign a prenup without thinking about it or looking it over. "Immediately signing an agreement shows how little you value yourself. The only way to maintain your dignity is to treat the agreement as seriously as a business contract," she writes.

Make sure it's what want you want.

Make sure it

"Everybody has the potential to go bust. If you couldn't see yourself marrying this person if they didn't have money, then don't get married." she writes.

But perhaps the best piece of advice is the following: "Trust your instincts, stay focused on your purpose in life, and get out there and find the mate you deserve."
