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Bear Stearns Imploded Five Years Ago This Week - Here's Where Everyone Went

James 'Jimmy' Cayne, CEO (from 1993 to 2008)

Bear Stearns Imploded Five Years Ago This Week - Here's Where Everyone Went

Alan Schwartz, CEO (from 2008 to the firm's collapse)

Alan Schwartz, CEO (from 2008 to the firm

Alan Schwartz is the Executive Chairman of Guggenheim Partners, a "global financial services firm" based in Chicago. 

According to his bio on Guggenheim's website, Schwartz also serves on Duke University's Board of Trustees and on the Fuqua School of Business Board of Visitors. 

He lives in Greenwich, Conn. with his wife Nancy Seaman. 

Alan 'Ace' Greenberg (CEO from 1978 to 1993)


Greenberg has always been known as something of an odd-ball—in 1999 he gave $1 million to provide Viagra to men who otherwise would not be able to afford it. He continues his charity work today with wife Karen Greenberg. 

He also holds monthly gatherings for the world's foremost magicians.

He now serves as Vice Chairman Emeritus at JPMorgan (the firm that bought Bear Stearns in 2008), says The New York Observer.

Warren Spector, Co-President

Warren Spector, Co-President

Spector was forced out of Bear Stearns in 2007, after two of the firm's internal hedge funds collapsed.

From what we can tell, Spector has steered clear of financial services, instead trying his hand at film. According to the Wall Street Journal, Spector co-founded a small production company Tashtego Films.

He serves as the company's executive producer and has held this role in a variety of projects including A Bird of The Air and Full Battle Rattle

According to the Tashtego's website, Spector also serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees at The Public Theatre. He was also key in the fundraising efforts for a "debt-free" hospital on Martha's Vineyard. 

Craig Overlander, Co-Head of Fixed Income

Craig Overlander, Co-Head of Fixed Income

After a quick stint at JP Morgan after the merger, Overlander went to Wachovia as Managing Director and Global Head of Fixed Income. 

He's now the CEO of Societe Generale Americas, CNBC reports.

Not too shabby, eh?

Jeffrey Mayer, Co-Head of Fixed Income

Jeffrey Mayer, Co-Head of Fixed Income

According to the Financial Times, Mayer turned down a $27 million offer to join JPMorgan after its merger with Bear Stearns and instead went to UBS as global joint head of Fixed Income. 

In 2010, Mayer moved to Deutsche Bank, where he became Head of Global Markets for North America, reporting directly to Anshu Jain.  

Michael Alix, Chief Risk Officer

Michael Alix, Chief Risk Officer

The former Bear Stearns risk chairman was picked up by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shortly after Bear Stearns' collapse and now serves as Senior Vice President of the Bank Supervision Group. 

If you don't believe us, check out his LinkedIn profile

Tom Marano, Global Head of Mortgage and Asset Backed Securities

Tom Marano, Global Head of Mortgage and Asset Backed Securities

After holding a similar title at private equity firm Ceberus Capital Management, Marano moved to Residential Capital, LLC as its CEO.  

As of FY 2011, his annual compensation was $8,034,899, Businessweek reports. 

He recently testified in front of The House Financial Services Subcommittee for Mortgage Services and Foreclosure Practices. 

Josh Weintraub, Senior Managing Director of Global Mortgage Operations

Josh Weintraub, Senior Managing Director of Global Mortgage Operations

Weintraub followed Marano to Cerberus Capital, where he is now a Senior Managing Director and Head of RMBS Securities and Trading, according to CNBC.

David Glaser, Co-Head of Investment Banking

David Glaser, Co-Head of Investment Banking

According to Glaser's LinkedIn profile, immediately following his Bear Stearns departure, Glaser became the Chairman of Global Mergers and Acquisitions at Bank of America, becoming the Deputy Head of Global M&A in 2009 and then the Chief Operating Officer of Global Corporate and Investment Banking in 2010. 

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