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5 things you didn't realize about Warren Buffett, according to his daughter

Warren Buffett wasn't as stingy about donating to charity in the early years as his critics said.

5 things you didn't realize about Warren Buffett, according to his daughter

Warren Buffett is more generous with his children than people give him credit for.

Warren Buffett is more generous with his children than people give him credit for.

"I actually agree with his philosophy of not dumping a bunch of money on your kids. And, by the way, my dad gets a bad rap for that," Susie told us. "He has been much more generous than people are aware. I feel extremely grateful to have the parents I had and for what they’ve given us. But certainly, he’s not going to leave us $50 billion and shouldn’t. It would be crazy to do anything like that."

Warren's decision in 2016 to give much of his fortune away to charity partly benefits foundations created by his children.

While Susan Buffett is credited with influencing her husband's departure from the Republican Party, she grew up Republican, as well.

While Susan Buffett is credited with influencing her husband

"My mother, by the way, grew up Republican, too. And nobody knows that. That’s a funny thing," Susie told us.

At one point, Susie recalled, her maternal grandfather ran her paternal grandfather Howard Buffet's election campaign.

"The only time my grandpa Buffett lost, actually," she said. In all, Howard served four terms in the US Congress.

It wasn't an easy transition when Warren Buffett began living with Astrid Menks while still married to his wife.

It wasn

In "Becoming Warren Buffett," the family speaks of how thankful they were that Astrid Menks stepped into their father's life after their mother moved out in the early 1980s, though she never divorced Warren. Susie said that it wasn't as seamless as it appeared.

"There were absolutely growing pains," she said. "I knew Astrid before my parents did. So, yeah, that’s a strange little part of it. It was very funny. My problem with it at the time was that I am very close to my dad and, as my mother says in the film, he can't find the light switch. I was just worried that he wouldn’t know how to eat, how to cook any food. He just doesn’t know how to function, except go to work. I think it’s fair to say I was a little bit mad at my mother about leaving. I didn’t quite get why she was leaving. I was concerned about him being able to function in the normal world."

Susie said that she actually moved back home to Omaha for a month because she worried about her father.

"I had some trouble with it, for sure," she said of Astrid moving in. "My mother and I had many talks over the years about it and my understanding certainly evolved over the years and changed. And I totally got it eventually."

Warren Buffett doesn't stockpile his favorite soda, Coke, nor does he get it for free or at wholesale price because he's Coca-Cola's biggest shareholder.

Warren Buffett doesn

Though Warren has said that he drinks roughly five cans of Coke every day, Susie joked that her father "doesn’t have a room dedicated to" storing the drink. He does have an old-fashioned soda fountain for the drink at the office for his holdings company, Berkshire-Hathaway.

And just in case people believed that a perk of being Coca-Cola's biggest shareholder means he gets free drinks, Susie said that Warren actually pays retail for his addiction.

"It was stockpiled more when my mother lived there," Susie recalled, "probably because she figured it was cheaper to buy a whole big bunch at once than to go into the grocery store frequently. [Warren's second wife] Astrid is more likely to try to find out where it’s on sale and buy it on sale."

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