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14 things no man should ever wear to the office

Gym socks

14 things no man should ever wear to the office

Any shirt you wore the night before.

Any shirt you wore the night before.

Now there are levels to this.

If you changed after work, wore a shirt to dinner, and after a couple hours went home, took it off and then went to bed — okay. You can wear this shirt again the next day.

If you changed after work, met your boys at Happy Hour, did Jaeger bombs for about four hours, went to dinner, and then played video games until you passed out — no.

Please use your best judgment.

Or ask a better-dressed stranger how you look after Jaeger bomb number two.

Sweater vests

Sweater vests

Ladies and gentlemen, former US Senator Rick Santorum.

I rest my case.

Man jewelry

Man jewelry

Wedding ring? Yes.

Watch? Of course.

Everything else? You look like Captain Jack Sparrow.

Anything wrinkled.

Anything wrinkled.

Oh come on just try.

If you don't know how to iron something yourself, watch BI editor Matt DeBord teach you how here...

After that, welcome to adulthood. Very considerate of you to show.

Shoes that aren't made of leather.

Shoes that aren

Nothing says "professional adult" like shoes that are partially made of mesh and have bright yellow accents.

A backpack.

A backpack.

Backpacks are for camping and traveling and actual textbooks.

Or they're for small children who need to put their Elmer's glue in a separate compartment so it doesn't get on their book report.

Do you need a separate compartment for your glue?

Patches on anything — bag, jacket ... anything.

Patches on anything — bag, jacket ... anything.

We get it, you hiked something or climbed something or graduated from somewhere, and you're proud of that.

So you put it on your backpack, or stick it on your jacket for the memories.

Just so you know, though, you looks like a cub scout.

A "fashion" belt.

A "fashion" belt.

Fashion belts are for your hobbies.

For example, this studded number is for when you're rehearsing with your alt rock band.

Or maybe you have one of those massive made-in-Texas belt buckles. Those are for when you're herding cattle, or riding a bucking bronco, or something.

None of that is office work.



Wearing a hat indoors is rude.

What's more, the hats men choose to wear to work are usually ugly.

And by "ugly" we mean fedoras. And by "wear" we mean look pretty bad in.

Anything pleated

Anything pleated

You know better.

Anything sleeveless.

Anything sleeveless.

-150 points if you wear a sleeveless shirt.

-300 points if it has words on it.

Flip flops.

Flip flops.

There is no pair of flip flops that belong in an office.



Not even your "classy" Rainbows.

Sports apparel of any kind.

Sports apparel of any kind.

Are you at a tailgate?


Take it off.

Some of these things shouldn't have been in your closet in the first place...

Some of these things shouldn

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