There's a new way of clocking the government
It's the #shutdownbeard.
Ten days into the government shutdown, the shutdown
It's alternately been called the furlough beard and shaveless shutdown, and even earned a mention in The Washington Post as the "scourge of the furlough spouse." But shutdown beard was the name that stuck.
In the beginning, the facial hair trend was rooted in a few simple jokes.
Members of Congress shouldn't be able to shave until this is over. #ShutdownBeard
- NegativeDunkalectics (@negativedunks) October 1, 2013
I might furlough my razor. Welcome the #ShutdownBeard #FurLow
- C Rogers (@CRogers20) October 2, 2013
#shutdownbeard It's like the playoffs except instead of "Win or Go Home" it's just "Go Home"
- Jon Schwabish (@jschwabish) October 3, 2013
But as the days passed, what started as a casual act of solidarity among furloughed employees quickly sprouted into a reality.
Looking terrible... In protest. #ShutdownBeard
- Mike Forsgren (@PCO_ACO_AGO_AAO) October 4, 2013
#shutdownbeard Day 6. I won't lie, I'm not a big fan of facial hair.
- Jon Schwabish (@jschwabish) October 6, 2013
Lately, well, things have turned scruffy around the edges.
#shutdownbeard Day 8
- Mike Reed (@jutopia) October 8, 2013
At work+not getting paid = #ShutdownBeard. Long way to go to catch up to @DuckDynastyAE, but at this rate...
- Chris Coxe (@chriscoxe) October 9, 2013
#shutdownbeard Day 9 - the return of the TedK look from my college years. #pleasepayus #GOPshutdown
- Jim Magic Cow (@JimiJazzco) October 9, 2013
Still, the #shutdownbeard bearers remain committed to their cause.
This #shutdownbeard started as a promise I made to my followers. I regret it but I don't have an exit strategy.
- Ryan Teague Beckwith (@ryanbeckwith) October 10, 2013