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FBI alleges friend of the San Bernardino shooters called 911 after attack: The 'a------ used my gun'

FBI alleges friend of the San Bernardino shooters called 911 after attack: The 'a------ used my gun'

Enrique Marquez

Social media photo

Enrique Marquez Jr., the friend of the San Bernardino shooters, called 911 after the attack and told the operator that his neighbor was responsible, according to an FBI document released on Thursday.

Marquez, 24, has been charged with conspiring to provide material support or resources to terrorists. Syed Rizwan Farook reportedly helped radicalize Marquez, according to the affidavit.

Farook and his Pakistani wife, Tashfeen Malik, carried out an attack on the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead on December 2.

After the attack, Marquez called 911 and said, "My neighbor ... did the San Bernardino shooting," according to the FBI affidavit. After clarifying that his neighbor was the shooter, Marquez added: "The f------ a------ used my gun in the shooting."

The 911 operator asked how Marquez knew it was his gun, and he responded: "They can trace all the guns back to me."

Marquez told the operator that he gave Farook his gun for "safe storage" because he couldn't have it around his brothers.

Here's the full transcript of the call:

Marquez 911 call

Department of Justice

Marquez 911 call

Department of Justice

The FBI affidavit also states that Farook helped radicalize Marquez and that Marquez was planning attacks with him in 2011 and 2012. Communication between the two reportedly dwindled after 2013, and Marquez reportedly stopped planning attacks with Farook after that.

Farook and Malik died the day of the attack in a shootout with police. A Facebook page associated with Malik posted a pledge of allegiance to the leader of the terrorist group ISIS - aka the Islamic State, ISIL, and Daesh - while the attack was ongoing, according to the FBI.

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