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Fantastic Concept Images Of Samsung's New Galaxy Gear Smartwatch

Aug 30, 2013, 18:29 IST

On Sept. 4, Samsung will launch a new smartwatch, the Galaxy Gear. Crucially, the launch beats Apple and its much anticipated (but unconfirmed) iWatch to market.


Already, details are beginning to leak about the Galaxy Gear's specs and appearance. It will have 10 hours of battery life, for instance. And Evleaks has some images of the system user interface.

But there are no actual images of the watch itself yet. So the tech blog Amongtech decided to create these speculative concept images of the Gear, based on Samsung's patent drawings and the specification details that have leaked so far.

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First, here are the patent drawings Amongtech is working from:



Here's how that would look in real life, from the side, according to Amongtech ...


And now the face view. Note that the Gear is reportedly running the "Jelly Bean" version of Google's Android operating system ...


And here are some color options:



Read Amongtech's report on the Galaxy gear specs here.

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