Famous Author Rages Against The Kardashians After Her Son Spends A Fortune Playing Kim's New Game
Waldman, a New York Times best-selling author who is married to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon, claimed her son didn't know he was spending real money and that the app preys on young children who don't understand its rules.
The game, which is slated to rake in over $85mm this year, is free. Players can make in-app purchases for more playing time "and virtual items like clothes and jewelry," according to Business Insider's Maya Kosoff, who played the game a few weeks back.
All in-app purchases must be verified before they go through, but Waldman was unconvinced this was the case.
Waldman continued her crusade against Kim Kardashian and her app's developers, saying she "was sure" her husband had blocked in-app purchases. Each of her kids, she says, has an allowance.
Then the mystery was solved, though blame still fell on the Kardashians. Waldman tweeted that even though her kids had $20 app allowances a month, there was a credit card "somehow" linked.
Waldman sent an addition half-dozen tweets, still incredibly angry at the Kardashians, though it seemed she understood the "flaw" came from her own credit card which was linked to her kids' Apple accounts.
Apple even stepped in and refunded Waldman and her family $120.
But hell hath no fury like a mother-child duo scorned by Kim K.
Waldman tweeted the finale to her rant yesterday.