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Facebook, Google, And Yahoo Want To Release More Info About National Security Requests

Sep 9, 2013, 21:21 IST

REUTERS/Jim YoungFacebook CEO Mark ZuckerbergTech giants Facebook, Google, and Yahoo separately filed motions demanding more transparency this morning in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.


Google wants to be allowed to publish very detailed statistics about the kinds of national security-related requests it received. It also asked the court to hold the hearing in public, rather than behind closed doors.

In Yahoo's petition, it demanded the right to publicly disclose the number of user data requests it receives from the U.S. government.

Facebook's petition similarly asked for the right to be able to disclose more information regarding the volume and types of requests it receives.

All three of these motions mirror the petition the companies made to Congress and President Obama earlier this year.


Google and Microsoft are already litigating a similar issue in federal court against the Department of Justice.

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