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Extraordinary Images Of The Hottest Country In The World For Untapped Natural Resources

Mamta Badkar   

Extraordinary Images Of The Hottest Country In The World For Untapped Natural Resources

The hottest emerging economy for resources is Myanmar. It's been a previously ultra-closed society that's now starting to open up.

As Myanmar opens up its economy and western countries lift their sanctions on the country, companies have been flocking there to tap into its resources.

The country is rich in energy, precious stones like jade and rubies, teak, copper, and biomass like charcoal to name a few.

Myanmar reportedly has 11–23 trillion cubic feet in natural gas reserves and 50 million barrels of crude oil reserves. They recently auctioned 18 oil and natural gas blocks.

We put together a photo tour of some of its resources. In the case of energy, since many of its oil and gas fields haven't been developed, we put together satellite images of some of its fields.


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