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Ex-Soldier Decides To Have His Foot Amputated After The VA Allegedly Yanked Him Around For Years

Allan Smith   

Ex-Soldier Decides To Have His Foot Amputated After The VA Allegedly Yanked Him Around For Years



Jody Williams

Reddit user Jody Williams has a unique prospective on the recent Veterans Administration scandal over allegedly shoddy care, detailing in a sobering AMA his decision to amputate his left leg below the knee at the age of 35.

In 2005, Williams had recently joined the military when he got in a motorcycle accident on his way back to his base at Fort Hood, in Texas. The accident crushed his left foot, but he says VA doctors initially diagnosed it as a simple bone bruise.

Months later, it was discovered that most of the bones in his foot had fractured while other ligaments were damaged. He underwent three surgeries while still serving, and he says he never ran or stood again without feeling excruciating pain.

After three additional operations by the VA, Williams decided the best option would be to amputate his left leg below the knee.

He considers his situation to be the result of malpractice.

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He said his foot had gotten worse over the last few years because "the VA doesn't really want to treat their patients as much as they want to meet their metrics."

"They like to boast that they have more satisfied customers than anywhere in America," Williams said. "10 minutes in a VA will tell anyone this isn't true. Every VA patient I know is disgusted with the care they receive."

Williams says he was even prescribed antidepressants by his VA psychiatrist after he told him he didn't think he was getting the care he deserved.

"He didn't try to hide it. He put it right there in the notes he handed to me," Williams said. "I requested all of my VA records recently and was told it would be well over 1000 pages printed out, however I only received ~500. There are over 500 pages missing, or more appropriately there are 500+ pages in their system that they've flagged for me not be able to receive."

Williams is going to have his amputation in just over two weeks and said he will donate the leg to science. We reached out to the VA to give it a chance to comment and will update this post if we hear back.

Click here to read his full AMA


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