Ex-Obama Official Laughs Off Controversial Benghazi 'Dude' Remark
Vietor was referring to his Thursday grilling by Fox News' host Bret Baier, who pressed him over White House email exchanges in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attack. Obviously frustrated and unable to answer Baier's questions, Vietor said, "Dude, this was like two years ago. We're still talking about the most mundane process ... we're talking about the process of editing talking points. That's what bureaucrats do all day long."
The remark enraged many conservatives, who saw the answer as a flippant response to questions of an attack that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
"Bret was asking me to remember what - if I changed a word on September 14th, 2012, and my frustration came through," Vietor told Hayes on his show "All In." "I guess you're only supposed to speak the Queen's English on Fox. But obviously what happened that day was an absolute tragedy."
Hayes, who said the "obsessive" coverage of the issue by conservatives was all about hurting Hillary Clinton's presidential chances in 2016, then asked Vietor, "Was there a massive coverup?"
"No there was not. No one has explained to me what it is that was covered up," Vietor said. "What I do know is that Fox News and right-wing radio has constructed this alternate reality where Barack Obama watched video drone footage of the incident as it happened, where the CIA was told to stand down, where the military could have come to their rescue and they didn't because some choice was made not to."
"All of those things have been debunked in the real world, but in the Fox News, hashtag Benghazi world, these are things people still believe," he added.