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Everything We Know About 'The Walking Dead' Season 5

Oct 9, 2014, 21:43 IST

Frank Ockenfels 3/AMCRick (Andrew Lincoln) and Daryl (Norman Reedus) team up in season 5 of "The Walking Dead."

Warning: There are spoilers ahead!


Season 5 of "The Walking Dead" premieres Sunday, Oct. 12 on AMC at 9 p.m.

The last time we saw Rick, Carl, and the rest of the gang, they were reunited at the mysterious Terminus before getting trapped in a boxcar.

A record 15.7 million people tuned in for the season 4 finale earlier this year. Expect Season 5 to set another record this weekend.

Not caught up with the show? Here's what you should know about the new season before its return.


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