Everyone is on tenterhooks after Greece's finance minister Yanis Varoufakis shockingly announced his resignation on Monday July 6 - only a day after the nation voted "No" in the bailout referendum.
There are four people that are potentially up for replacing Varoufakis but Euclid Tsakalotos, Greece's deputy foreign minister and an Oxford-educated economist, is the markets' favourite. He has a senior role in the government to coordinate negotiations between the country and its creditors.
But everyone is now laughing at him. Why? - because of his heinous use of the font Comic Sans in an official document, as identified by Business Insider's Mike Bird:
Euclid Tsakalotos had a paper in 2010 on the Greek crisis written in comic sans. Unacceptable http://t.co/HZGLEqTlP8 pic.twitter.com/cW65NldmN7
- Mike Bird (@Birdyword) July 6, 2015
@Birdyword The casualness of this government is not, half-bakedly, limited to outfits only, it is quite thorough and thus consistent.
- Nikolaos Skordlils (@Sharpedon) July 6, 2015
@Birdyword His English is much worse than the use of Comic Sans.
- Aleon (@hastalascejas) July 6, 2015
@Birdyword So did ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola for the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC in July 2012.
- melachrinos (@melachrinos) July 6, 2015