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ERIC CANTOR: The Sequester 'Doesn't Make Any Sense'

Feb 10, 2013, 22:53 IST

NBCHouse Majority Leader Eric Cantor conceded that the across-the-board spending cuts of the upcoming sequester don't "make any sense." But he blamed President Barack Obama for proposing it and suggested that Republicans would be OK with the cuts kicking in.


"Clearly, this is not the best way to go about controlling spending," Cantor said on "Meet the Press" Sunday.

Cantor pushed the argument that the House has taken up alternative measures to avoid the cuts in the sequester. The problem, he said, is that Obama wants to raise taxes "every three months."

"The problem is every time you turn around, the answer is to raise taxes," Cantor said. "He just got his tax hike on the wealthy. And you can't in this town every three months raise taxes. Again, every time, that's his response."

"We've got a spending problem — everybody knows it," Cantor added. "The House has put forward an alternative plan, and there's been no response in any serious way from the Senate and the White House. And it's time, we've really got to do it."


Watch the clip of Cantor's interview below, courtesy of NBC:

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