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How to master Ana, the newest character in 'Overwatch'

Biotic Rifle

How to master Ana, the newest character in 'Overwatch'

Biotic Grenade

Biotic Grenade

One of Ana's secondary abilities is the Biotic Grenade, which can hit several targets within a small area.

Much like the Biotic Rifle, the Biotic Grenade will have different effects based on who it hits.

When you hit friendly targets, it will heal them a small amount and also increase the amount of healing they receive from other abilities for about five or six seconds. This means if you hit a friendly target with the grenade and then shoot them with your Biotic Rifle, they will be healed for a much higher amount than they would normally.

This increased healing effect carries over to other abilities, too. If you hit a friendly Roadhog with a Biotic Grenade and then he uses his self-healing ability, it will be much more effective than it would be normally. This particular effect is really potent when combined with other Support characters, like Lucio and Mercy.

When your Biotic Grenade hits enemy targets, it will deal a small amount of damage and completely nullify any healing they receive for about five or six seconds.

This effect will make any healing from any source entirely ineffective, which makes it a great way to shut down characters like Soldier 76 and Roadhog from healing themselves, but it will also completely negate Zenyatta's ultimate ability, which heals everyone around him.

So, if you throw it into a giant crowd made up of both allies and enemies, it can completely shift the tide of battle.


Sleep Dart

Sleep Dart

When you hear the signal that McCree is about to fire his Ultimate ("It's high noon...") you should know by now to take cover. If you're playing Ana, however, you have a second option: Nail him with a Sleep Dart and stop him in his tracks.

When an enemy is hit with a Sleep Dart, their current action will be completely interrupted, and they will remain asleep for about five or six seconds. The most important thing to note is that this effect will instantaneously be stopped if the enemy takes any damage.

That means you might want to avoid firing it at enemies who are in chokepoints where lots of bullets are flying through the air. Instead, reserve it for shutting down enemies who are firing from a distance, like Widowmaker, Hanzo, or Bastion.

And, of course, it's an invaluable tool for stopping enemies from using their Ultimate abilities. 

Keep in mind, this effect will only apply to certain Ultimates: You'll be able to stop Roadhog from unleashing his hail of bullets, but if Mei throws her Blizzard down, the effect will continue even if she's asleep. 

Unlike Ana's other abilities, Sleep Dart has no effect on friendly targets.

Nano Boost

Nano Boost

Ana's Ultimate ability is called Nano Boost, and it basically supercharges a friendly player for a short amount of time.

While the effect is active, your target will deal significantly more damage, take much less damage from enemies, and be able to move much more quickly — essentially, it turns one player into a giant, scary behemoth.

You'll want to fire this off on allies who will benefit the most, like offensive characters and tanks: Think characters like Genji, Soldier: 76, Zarya, and Roadhog.

Avoid using this ability on other Support characters, because it will have no effect on their healing output. Similarly, don't use this on someone like Mei, because her strength lies in controlling the movement of enemies, and not in actually dealing damage.

One last tip: Don't be afraid to get in close

One last tip: Don

Though it's tempting to hang back far away from the thick of battle with a sniper character, consider getting a bit closer than you would with Widowmaker or Hanzo.

Since Ana doesn't have any movement abilities that will help her get to high perches, it will be hard to get to sniping locations quickly. Additionally, since targets won't receive any healing if you miss them, you will probably have an easier time hitting them if you get a bit closer.

Similarly, your Biotic Grenade can't travel an infinite distance — like McCree's Flashbang, the Biotic Grenade will explode mid-air if it travels too far.


If you want to see Ana in action, watch her reveal trailer below:

If you want to see Ana in action, watch her reveal trailer below:

And if you want more information on her background as a character, watch her story trailer:

And if you want more information on her background as a character, watch her story trailer:

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