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  4. These are the 5 easy ways to become filthy rich in no time

These are the 5 easy ways to become filthy rich in no time


are the 5 easy ways to become filthy rich in no time<b></b>


You must have a philosophy in life and stick to it. When you build your wealth, it should be based on certain values. For example, Steve Jobs. It is important to have a clear system to build your wealth.


They say ‘Test of a man is about his integrity, the ability to stand in spite of problems’. You have to be a person of values. Stand for your word, money will follow.


Richness and wealth has a social dimension. You can’t create wealth in isolation. Wealth comes from the society and goes to the society. For example: Henry Ford, he saw that the society required a car. He worked around the necessity and built wealth. You have to build something for the society.


There are 4 stages of wealth-Identification, Creation, Management, Distribution. Identify where the money is, research well where the money lies. Then, work hard and create wealth. But, good times do not last. After you create wealth, manage your wealth. Save for rainy days, invest at the right place. After managing, give it back to the society but also save for yourself. You should develop the habit to give money and don’t become greedy.
