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THE ODDS: Who will probably survive 'Game of Thrones' this week, and who could die

Tyene Sand — 0%

THE ODDS: Who will probably survive 'Game of Thrones' this week, and who could die

Ellaria Sand — 1%

Ellaria Sand — 1%

Chance of survival this episode: 1%. She's in the hands of Euron, which means she'll be taken to Cersei. Ellaria poisoned Myrcella, so Cersei will want her revenge. Ellaria's only saving grace this week? Cersei gives her a slow death.

Chance of survival this season: 0%.

Ed Sheeran and his soldier buddies — 3%

Ed Sheeran and his soldier buddies — 3%

Chance of survival this episode: 3%. We'll probably (hopefully) never see Ed Sheeran and his soldier buddies again, but it's safe to assume that they'll die fighting for House Lannister against the Unsullied at Casterly Rock.

Chance of survival this season: 0%. Drogon will probably cook the Lannister army and eat it for second breakfast.

Yara Greyjoy — 10%

Yara Greyjoy — 10%

Chance of survival this episode: 10%. Yara could die at the hands of Cersei, but chances are Euron will leave Yara for himself. He's murdered his brother, so he could kill his niece without batting an eye.

Chance of survival this season: 5%. Euron isn't a forgiving man.

Grey Worm — 18%

Grey Worm — 18%

Chance of survival this episode: 18%. He's leading the Unsullied into a battle at the Lannister's home of Casterly Rock. We hope he doesn't go, but there's a pretty big chance that he will, especially after that romantic scene with Missandei in "Stormborn."

Chance of survival this season: 15%. He's a soldier and will do anything for Daenerys. His life is always at risk, but he's made it this far because he (and all the Unsullied) are really, really good at what they do.

Tormund Giantsbane — 30%

Tormund Giantsbane — 30%

Chance of survival this episode: 30%. In the season premiere, Tormund announced that he and the Wildlings are going to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, one of the castles along the Wall. Their goal? Prevent a White Walker invasion. We're a little worried about this beloved character because judging from the glimpse of the Walkers, they're gonna be tough to beat.

Chance of survival this this season: 2%. He's survived a lot of battles and he's a fighter. So there's a very small chance he'll survive, but he's headed to one of the most dangerous places in Westeros right now and will likely stay there (because he will die there).

Melisandre — 40%

Melisandre — 40%

Chance of survival this episode: 40%. Old Mellie's biggest threat this week is Davos Seaworth, who is headed to Dragonstone and will probably tell Daenerys what she did to Shireen Baratheon. Considering Dany's look of satisfaction when Melisandre told her about the Azor Ahai prophecy, she might let it slide. But Dany does have a history of executing people who kill children, so she's in a lot of danger.

Chance of survival this season: 20%. She is really old and she's still on Arya's kill list. Without Stannis, Davos, and Jon Snow on her side, she doesn't have many allies, though it's possible that Dany will keep her around.

Bronn — 60%

Bronn — 60%

Chance of survival this episode: 60%. Hopefully we'll see some Bronn in this week's episode. His much needed comedic relief will be a welcome presence. But with a battle coming up, his life is at a risk, unless he can convince Jaime to surrender to Daenerys and Tyrion.

Chance of survival this season: 50%. Bronn's chances of survival depend on where his loyalties lie.

Gendry — 60%

Gendry — 60%

Chance of survival this episode: 60%. As the last Baratheon left alive, Gendry is definitely coming back to the show, but chances are he's coming back to die if Cersei finds out he still has a beating heart. If he doesn't show up in this episode, he simply needs more time to row.

Chance of survival this season: 30%. Or maybe he will win the game of thrones? But probably not. Gendry is not safe until Cersei is gone.

Olenna Tyrell — 60%

Olenna Tyrell — 60%

Chance of survival this episode: 60%. Olenna could be headed back to The Reach this week, which could be a problem since Randyll Tarly might be a Lannister ally now, trying to recruit men that Olenna promised to Dany's cause.

Chance of survival this season: 30%. Wow, we really hope Olenna Tyrell doesn't die. She's the only one left! But she's old, and on this show that means you could die of being old and of being murdered, so the threat doubles.

Edd and Whoever's left at The Night's Watch — 65%

Edd and Whoever

Chance of survival this episode: 65%. The White Walkers are getting closer and closer to the Jon Snow loyalist and the Wall with every passing breath. For now, having Bran Stark at Castle Black is a good thing since he can predict what happens next and help prevent the worst possible scenario.

Chance of survival this season: 12%. Unfortunately, Edd and a lot of the men of the Night's Watch will probably die fighting the White Walkers.

Randyll Tarly — 65%

Randyll Tarly — 65%

Chance of survival this episode: 65%. He'll probably have a moment with Sam before he dies (Sam did steal his sword). But he is possibly headed into battle with Jaime, so he's at a risk this week.

Chance of survival this season: 20%. But we're hoping he reunites with his son, Sam, and sees how brilliant he is before his brief time on the show is over.

Missandei — 70%

Missandei — 70%

Chance of survival this episode: 70%. She is close and important to Daenerys, which puts her at a huge risk. And this is "Game of Thrones," so that romantic scene with Grey Worm in "Stormborn" probably means one (or both) of them is doomed.

Chance of survival this season: 50%. More like Missan-die. She is usually at her queen's side, which makes her relatively safe from threats. But with Euron Greyjoy out there and allied to Cersei, anyone on Team Daenerys needs to look out, and Missandei can't translate her way out of combat.

Meera Reed — 70%

Meera Reed — 70%

Chance of survival this episode: 70%. Meera is safe at Castle Black for now, but not for long as the White Walkers slowly walk toward the Wall.

Chance of survival this season: 30%. Meera has sacrificed her life to help Bran for the past few seasons, and by the end of season seven that sacrifice could turn literal.

Theon Greyjoy — 75%

Theon Greyjoy — 75%

Chance of survival this episode: 75%. We assume he can swim, but can he swim somewhere safe?

Chance of survival this season: 30%. We're hoping Theon gets more time to be Theon and make it to the final season, but he could sacrifice himself to make up for abandoning his sister during Euron's attack and/or for betraying the Starks.

Littlefinger — 75%

Littlefinger — 75%

Chance of survival this episode: 75%. Jon Snow left Winterfell. Sansa knows Littlefinger well enough at this point to know that he's up to no good, but he helped her get her home back, so she won't kill him (yet).

Chance of survival this season: 30%. He's Littlefinger and he's survived this long, so his chances of sticking around are pretty high. But he's got a lot of enemies headed his way: Brandon Stark, Arya Stark and The Hound — who was in the throne room back in season one when he betrayed Ned (Littlefinger blatantly lied to Sansa and Jon about this). Jon Snow will also reunite with Tyrion Lannister who knows what Littlefinger did, and will definitely tell Jon about it.

Maester Qyburn — 80%

Maester Qyburn — 80%

Chance of survival this episode: 80%. Unless he suddenly betrays Cersei, Qyburn is as safe as he is creepy this week.

Chance of survival this season: 8%. Being Team Cersei makes him really vulnerable: Arya will kill anyone who gets in her way of murdering the queen, especially a creepy maester who's not even a maester.

Jaime Lannister — 80%

Jaime Lannister — 80%

Chance of survival this episode: 80%. It looks like he's headed into a battle that he cannot win at Casterly Rock, so he could die. But from what we've seen in season seven so far, his journey isn't close to over. So chances are he makes it through the week.

Chance of survival this season: 60%. Jaime's survival depends on which side he chooses in the end. Because if he sticks with Cersei, he'll probably die. We'd bet on him turning on her at some point.

Podrick Payne — 80%

Podrick Payne — 80%

Chance of survival this episode: 80%. This week, he'll continue his training with Brienne and maybe help her threaten Littlefinger.

Chance of survival this season: 50%. Pod has spent his entire tenure on the show surrounded by the best Westeros has to offer: Tyrion, Bronn, and Brienne. With folks like that he has to be brilliant at this point, and every season he debuts a special skill, from pleasing the ladies to combat. We're just waiting for his shining moment, though there's a chance he could die in battle.

Brienne of Tarth — 80%

Brienne of Tarth — 80%

Chance of survival this episode: 80%. With Jon Snow out of Winterfell now, there's no telling what Littlefinger will do to get Sansa and the castle for himself, so Brienne needs to stay on guard. But she always is, so she should be just fine.

Chance of survival this season: 65%. Won't be surprising at all if she makes it, just delightful. Brienne is one of the few characters who deserves to make it to the, what we assume to be happy, end. But she does fight for a living, so she's always at risk.

Lyanna Mormont — 85%

Lyanna Mormont — 85%

Chance of survival this episode: 85%. Lyanna has a lot more Northern men to put to shame before her time on this show is over. But this week, Littlefinger is a minor threat to all in Winterfell.

Chance of survival this season: 50%. If the writers kill her, they are monsters and we will never watch this show again, ever. But she has expressed interest in going into battle for House Mormont, so she's definitely not safe.

Davos Seaworth — 85%

Davos Seaworth — 85%

Chance of survival this episode: 85%. Davos should be fine this week, as he makes his way to Dragonstone along with Jon Snow to meet the dragon queen. And funnily enough, he's probably more familiar with Dragonstone than anyone else there. His only threat in Dragonstone is the presence of Melisandre, but she's outnumbered with Jon Snow by his side.

Chance of survival this season: 30%. Of any of these people, Davos probably deserves life the most. But the closer Davos gets to Jon Snow and ruling, the more danger he's in. But he has stuck around for a reason: He's a skilled fighter with a pirate background, and is a useful asset when it comes to giving a king really good advice.

Sansa Stark — 85%

Sansa Stark — 85%

Chance of survival this episode: 85%. Like everyone else in Winterfell, Sansa will be really cold. But she's got Brienne protecting her, and Littlefinger is too obsessed with how much she looks like her mom to harm her.

Chance of survival this season: 60%. Of all the Starks left, Sansa's life is probably the most at risk, with Littlefinger breathing down her neck. But who knows, maybe Sansa has plans for him that we don't know about yet.

Bran Stark — 85%

Bran Stark — 85%

Chance of survival this episode: 85%. He's at Castle Black which makes him one of the closest characters to the White Walker army, which now includes giants. But he's got the ability to see things no one else can, and there's a chance he's headed to Winterfell.

Chance of survival this season: 60%. He's one of the last remaining Starks and he has magical powers so he should be fine, but his inability to walk and lack of Hodor don't give him any advantages.

Varys — 85%

Varys — 85%

Chance of survival this episode: 98%. This week, Varys will probably just chill at Dragonstone, and the most dangerous thing he will do is have an exchange with Melisandre.

Chance of survival this season: 65%. Varys is too cool and smart to die, but it's possible. If there's any danger, he'll sense it and find a good place to hide. Being on Team Daenerys certainly helps his chances, since someone will need to be alive to serve as Master of Spies if she wins the game of thrones.

Jorah Mormont — 90%

Jorah Mormont — 90%

Chance of survival this episode: 90%. In "Stormborn," Samwell Tarly tests a cure for greyscale on Jorah. And all we know is that a lot of nasty puss came out. It looks like it worked, but we don't know for sure.

Chance of survival this season: 60%. If Sam's cure for Jorah's greyscale works, there's still a chance he could die fighting for his Khaleesi.

Gregor Clegane/The Mountain — 90%

Gregor Clegane/The Mountain — 90%

Chance of survival this episode: 90%. He'll probably crush some people this week with his bare hands, but The Mountain will not be crushed . . . yet.

Chance of survival this season: 20%. He's got a lot of enemies. He's strong, but he is also basically a zombie, so he has to have some kind of weaknesses that makes him easy (for Arya) to kill.

Thoros of Myr — 90%

Thoros of Myr — 90%

Chance of survival this episode: 90%. From trailer footage we know that Thoros, the Hound, Beric, and crew will be fighting the White Walkers, so he'll be around.

Chance of survival this season: 50%. Thoros has made it this far, so he's survived for a reason. Thoros could die fighting the White Walkers, which would be bad for his buddy Beric, who isn't as good at staying alive.

Beric Dondarrion — 90%

Beric Dondarrion — 90%

Chance of survival this episode: 90%. From trailer footage we know that Beric and crew will be fighting the White Walkers, so he'll be around for a few more episodes or more.

Chance of survival this season: 50%. If he does die, Thoros of Myr will bring him back. But if Thoros of Myr dies, then Beric will stay dead.

Euron Greyjoy — 90%

Euron Greyjoy — 90%

Chance of survival this episode: 90%. More Leather Euron, please!

Chance of survival this season: 18%. He has way more enemies than he has friends. And even his new ally Cersei is more of a frenemy.

Cersei Lannister — 95%

Cersei Lannister — 95%

Chance of survival this episode: 95%. There's no way she's going this soon. With Euron on her side, she's got things under control for now. But definitely not for long.

Chance of survival this season: 30%. If she doesn't die by the end of season seven, she will die in season eight.

Sandor Clegane/The Hound — 100%

Sandor Clegane/The Hound — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. He's not close to his destination yet (the North), and we didn't catch up with him last week.

Chance of survival this season: 80%. The Hound's scenes in the season premiere proved that his story is moving forward in a way that makes his character more important than ever, and proved that he will be an essential figure in the battles to come, and the end of the series as a whole. He's probably sticking around, and we already suffered an entire season without him.

Gilly — 100%

Gilly — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. Gilly is fine!

Chance of survival this season: 60%. Due to their discovery of dragonglass in Dragonstone, Gilly and Sam likely won't stick around Oldtown for the whole season — he's got important things to do and they go everywhere together, which could be her ultimate downfall.

Samwell Tarly — 100%

Samwell Tarly — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. This week Sam is fine, unless scooping maester poop combined with an accidental greyscale exposure is the thing that kills him.

Chance of survival this season: 88%. Sam will probably survive the series unless he catches Jorah Mormont's greyscale and can't seem to cure himself.

Tyrion Lannister — 100%

Tyrion Lannister — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. Turns out getting wrongfully accused of murder and having to escape execution is the best thing that has ever happened to this guy.

Chance of survival this season: 75%. Tyrion is at a huge risk being in Westeros. And Dragonstone is too close to King's Landing for comfort. But the chances that we will see his death on the show are very slim. He's one of the people to root for and it's unlikely that George R.R. Martin will let the writers kill off his favorite character.

Jon Snow — 100%

Jon Snow — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. Jon Snow isn't looking forward to the inevitable battle with the White Walkers, but he is just dandy in Dragonstone this week.

Chance of survival this season: 90%. He's already died before and his life could be saved again.

Arya Stark — 100%

Arya Stark — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. Arya's got a lot to do (aka: a lot of people to murder) before it's her time to go.

Chance of survival this season: 75%. Arya will likely survive the season and the series, but her mission puts her at a big risk.

Daenerys Targaryen — 100%

Daenerys Targaryen — 100%

Chance of survival this episode: 100%. She is Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. She is perfectly fine and there's nothing to worry about for now.

Chance of survival this season: 99%. All men must die, but Daenerys Stormborn is not a man.

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