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The 29 most shocking deaths in all of 'Game of Thrones'

Jon Snow: Stabbed to death by traitors of the Night's Watch. But... brought back by Melisandre.

The 29 most shocking deaths in all of 'Game of Thrones'

Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain: Killed by poison on Oberyn Martell's sword after winning their duel. But... brought back to life (or the undead) by Qyburn.

Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain: Killed by poison on Oberyn Martell

Death: Season 4, episode 10 ("The Children")

Resurrection: Season 5, episode 2 ("The House of Black and White")

Hodor: Killed by the White Walkers while Bran and Meera escaped.

Hodor: Killed by the White Walkers while Bran and Meera escaped.

Death: Season 6, episode 5 ("The Door")

Three-Eyed Raven: Slashed by the Night King's sword.

Three-Eyed Raven: Slashed by the Night King

Death: Season 6, episode 5 ("The Door")

Khal Moro: Burned alive along with all the other khals by Daenerys Targaryen.

Khal Moro: Burned alive along with all the other khals by Daenerys Targaryen.

Death: Season 6, episode 4 ("Book of the Stranger")

Osha: Stabbed in the neck by Ramsay Bolton.

Osha: Stabbed in the neck by Ramsay Bolton.

Death: Season 6, episode 4 ("Book of the Stranger")

Walda Bolton: Mauled to death by hounds along with her newborn son, on the orders of Ramsay Bolton.

Walda Bolton: Mauled to death by hounds along with her newborn son, on the orders of Ramsay Bolton.

Death: Season 6, episode 2 ("Home")

Balon Greyjoy: Thrown from a bridge by brother Euron Greyjoy.

Balon Greyjoy: Thrown from a bridge by brother Euron Greyjoy.

Death: Season 6, episode 2 ("Home")

Trystane Martell: Impaled through the back of the head by Obara Sand.

Trystane Martell: Impaled through the back of the head by Obara Sand.

Death: Season 6, episode 1 ("The Red Woman")

Doran Martell: Stabbed in the chest by Ellaria Sand.

Doran Martell: Stabbed in the chest by Ellaria Sand.

Death: Season 6, episode 1 ("The Red Woman")

Roose Bolton: Stabbed by Ramsay Bolton.

Roose Bolton: Stabbed by Ramsay Bolton.

Death: Season 6, episode 2 ("Home")

Stannis Baratheon: Killed by Brienne during a siege on Winterfell.

Stannis Baratheon: Killed by Brienne during a siege on Winterfell.

Death: Season 5, episode 10 ("Mother's Mercy")

Selyse Baratheon: Committed suicide after sacrificing her daughter.

Selyse Baratheon: Committed suicide after sacrificing her daughter.

Death: Season 5, episode 10 ("Mother's Mercy")

Shireen Baratheon: Burned to death by Melisandre to create blood magic.

Shireen Baratheon: Burned to death by Melisandre to create blood magic.

Death: Season 5, episode 9 ("The Dance of the Dragons")

Myrcella Baratheon: Kissed by Ellaria Sand, whose lips were coated with poison.

Myrcella Baratheon: Kissed by Ellaria Sand, whose lips were coated with poison.

Death: Season 5, episode 10 ("Mother's Mercy")

Sandor Clegane aka The Hound: Thrown down a rocky hill by Brienne of Tarth. Later, Arya Stark found him injured and left him to die. There's a possibility, though, that he survived.

Sandor Clegane aka The Hound: Thrown down a rocky hill by Brienne of Tarth. Later, Arya Stark found him injured and left him to die. There

Death: Season 4, episode 10 ("The Children")

Tywin Lannister: Killed by his son Tyrion Lannister with a crossbow.

Tywin Lannister: Killed by his son Tyrion Lannister with a crossbow.

Death: Season 4, episode 10 ("The Children")

Shae: Strangled to death by Tyrion Lannister.

Shae: Strangled to death by Tyrion Lannister.

Death: Season 4, episode 10 ("The Children")

Ygritte: Shot with an arrow by Olly.

Ygritte: Shot with an arrow by Olly.

Death: Season 4, episode 9 ("The Watchers on the Wall")

Oberyn Martell: Killed in a duel with Gregor Clegane.

Oberyn Martell: Killed in a duel with Gregor Clegane.

Death: Season 4, episode 8 ("The Mountain and the Viper")

Joffrey Baratheon: Poisoned by Olenna Tyrell.

Joffrey Baratheon: Poisoned by Olenna Tyrell.

Death: Season 4, episode 2 ("The Lion and the Rose")

Catelyn Stark: Throat slit by Black Walder during the Red Wedding.

Catelyn Stark: Throat slit by Black Walder during the Red Wedding.

Death: Season 3, episode 9 ("The Rains of Castamere")

Robb Stark: Stabbed in the heart by Roose Bolton during the Red Wedding.

Robb Stark: Stabbed in the heart by Roose Bolton during the Red Wedding.

Death: Season 3, episode 9 ("The Rains of Castamere")

Talisa Stark: Stabbed repeatedly by Lothar Frey during the Red Wedding.

Talisa Stark: Stabbed repeatedly by Lothar Frey during the Red Wedding.

Death: Season 3, episode 9 ("The Rains of Castamere")

Renly Baratheon: Assassinated by a magical shadow creature birthed by Melisandre.

Renly Baratheon: Assassinated by a magical shadow creature birthed by Melisandre.

Death: Season 2, episode 5 ("The Ghost of Harrenhal")

Khal Drogo: Smothered with a pillow by Daenerys while in a magically-induced vegetative state.

Khal Drogo: Smothered with a pillow by Daenerys while in a magically-induced vegetative state.

Death: Season 1, episode 10 ("Fire and Blood")

Ned Stark: Beheaded by the order of Joffrey Lannister.

Ned Stark: Beheaded by the order of Joffrey Lannister.

Death: Season 1, episode 9 ("Baelor")

Robert Baratheon: Mortally wounded while trying to kill a boar during hunting.

Robert Baratheon: Mortally wounded while trying to kill a boar during hunting.

Death: Season 1, episode 7 ("You Win or You Die")

Viserys Targaryen: Covered in hot, melted gold by Khal Drogo.

Viserys Targaryen: Covered in hot, melted gold by Khal Drogo.

Death: Season 1, episode 6 ("A Golden Crown")

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