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The 13 best deaths on 'Game of Thrones' season 7

The saddest death: Thoros of Myr

The 13 best deaths on 'Game of Thrones' season 7

The coolest death: Olenna Tyrell

The coolest death: Olenna Tyrell

Olenna goes down memorably. Right after she drinks the poison, she confesses to Jaime that she was the one who poisoned Joffrey, and she wants Cersei to know it. She makes death look so cool as hell.

Time of death: Episode three, "The Queen's Justice."

Cause of death: Jaime gives her poison, though Cersei wanted to give her a crueler death.

The most earned death: Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger

The most earned death: Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger

Littlefinger is basically the entire reason half of the Stark family is dead. He knowingly sets into motion the events that start the War of the Five Kings and he betrays Ned, Catelyn, and Sansa. But he was fun to watch, so he'll be missed.

Time of death: Episode seven, "The Dragon and the Wolf."

Cause of death: Littlefinger finds himself unaware that he's attending his own trial — and execution. Arya Stark slits his throat after the Stark children reveal his many, many crimes against their family and House Arryn.

The longest death: Ellaria Sand

The longest death: Ellaria Sand

Ellaria isn't the best character, but Cersei's sick torture here is incredibly disturbing.

Time of death: Unknown.

Cause of death: While we don't see Ellaria die on screen, actress Indira Varma confirmed that this was her last appearance on the show. She'll have a slow death rotting in the dungeons of the Red Keep, but fortunately we won't see it.

The most personal death: Ironborn fellow who refuses to help Theon save his sister

The most personal death: Ironborn fellow who refuses to help Theon save his sister

This guy doesn't care about Yara, who he once wanted to be his queen. Bye!

Time of death: Episode seven, "The Dragon and the Wolf."

Cause of death: Theon bashes his head in.

The most brutal death: Tyene Sand

The most brutal death: Tyene Sand

Tyene's death is deeply disturbing, even though we didn't love her character. Remember when she poisoned Bronn in the dungeons in Dorne, and only gave him the anecdote when he told her she was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen?

Time of death: Episode three, "The Queen's Justice."

Cause of death: Cersei poisons Tyene, who she poisons the same way Ellaria poisoned Myrcella: with a kiss and a poison called "The Long Farewell." So Ellaria has to watch her own daughter die a brutal death, and in another sick twist, decompose before her own eyes, and there's nothing she can do about it.

The least sad death that was supposed to be sad: Viserion

The least sad death that was supposed to be sad: Viserion

We only saw Viserion a few times before his death scene, since Dany kept him locked up most of his life. It was sad that Dany had to see her "child" die, but it was more terrifying than sad once we saw the Night King bring him back to life.

Time of death: Episode six, "Beyond the Wall."

Cause of death: The Night King throws an ice spear at him, but by the end of the episode he's reincarnated as some kind of zombie ice dragon. Yikes.

The death that could've been easily avoided: Randyll Tarly

The death that could

Randyll was a cold man, and honestly deserved death for how he treated his son, Sam, and for betraying Olenna.

Time of death: Episode five, "Eastwatch."

Cause of death: Randyll refuses to surrender and bend the knee to Daenerys Targaryen, despite his fluctuating loyalties and having seen the wrath of Drogon. Daenerys has Drogon burn him alive.

The most convenient death: Benjen Stark

The most convenient death: Benjen Stark

We didn't get to know him very well, since for a majority of this show he was presumed dead. His presence in "Beyond the Wall" felt a little desperate and too much of a coincidence.

Time of death: Episode six, "Beyond the Wall."

Cause of death: Uncle Benjen makes a triumphant return only to die literally seconds later when he sacrifices himself to the wights so Jon can get back to Eastwatch on his horse.

The most satisfying death (part 2): Nymeria Sand

The most satisfying death (part 2): Nymeria Sand

Nymeria is on the side we're supposed to be rooting for, but she had to go.

Time of death: Episode two, "Stormborn."

Cause of death: In Euron's attack, he strangles Nymeria, who is a daughter of Oberyn (and not Arya Stark's direwolf, who shares the same name). At the end of the battle, her body is also hanging from the ship.

The most satisfying death: Obara Sand

The most satisfying death: Obara Sand

Although Obara is on Team Daenerys, most of us cheered when Euron kills her, eliminating her annoying character from the show for good.

Time of death: Episode two, "Stormborn."

Cause of death: In his attack on Yara's fleet, Euron Greyjoy stabs the daughter of Oberyn Martell in the gut with a spear. By the end of the battle, her body is hanging from the ship, so she's definitely dead.

The most pathetic death: Wight in a box

The most pathetic death: Wight in a box

Ew, go away captured wight!

Time of death: Episode seven, "The Dragon and the Wolf."

Cause of death: The Hound splits it in half, and Jon Snow stabs it with dragonglass.

The most frustratingly loyal death: Dickon Tarly

The most frustratingly loyal death: Dickon Tarly

He was just trying to stay loyal to his father, but he should've bent the knee.

Time of death: Episode five, "Eastwatch."

Cause of death: Dickon, like his father, refuses to surrender and bend the knee to Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys has Drogon burn him alive.

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