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The 12 Worst 'Shark Tank' Pitches Of All Time

Jason Woods pitches the Kymera jet-propelled boogie board.

The 12 Worst 'Shark Tank' Pitches Of All Time

Mark Cuban calls Woods a "wantrepreneur," someone who's got ideas but not a shred of business acumen.

Mark Cuban calls Woods a "wantrepreneur," someone who

Episode 507: "Kymera"

Since Woods couldn't figure out how to finalize a product and sell even a few with the $130,000 he spent on development over the past decade, the Sharks conclude an injection of capital won't save him.

Brothers Richard and Albert Amini pitch a social media app for doctors.

Brothers Richard and Albert Amini pitch a social media app for doctors.

Episode 501: "Rolodoc"

It would function as a secure platform for medical professionals to upload their medical records and put each other in contact, they say. They want $50,000 in exchange for a 20% stake. Sounds like there may be an idea there, right?

Cuban tells the brothers they gave "the worst pitch ever."

Cuban tells the brothers they gave "the worst pitch ever."

Episode 501: "Rolodoc"

Cuban is not interested. A social network for doctors and nurses isn't necessarily a bad idea, but the brothers didn't seem to have thought any of it through. They couldn't explain how they would market their product, make it profitable, or show their audience how their service would add value to their lives. Next.

James Lavitola and Brian Pitt present a "Fast & Furious"-style motorcycle movie.

James Lavitola and Brian Pitt present a "Fast & Furious"-style motorcycle movie.

Episode 424: "Track Days"

Lavitola and Pitt pitch full-length action film "Track Days" about motorcycle racing. They want $5 million for a 34% stake.

They reveal their action-packed movie trailer.

They reveal their action-packed movie trailer.

Episode 424: "Track Days"

They don't have a script, actors, or backers. But they do have a trailer, complete with sounds of motorcycles whooshing around a track and photos of downed rigs. They hand out popcorn for the Sharks' viewing pleasure.

The Sharks bow out on principle.

The Sharks bow out on principle.

Episode 424: "Track Days"

Motorcycles are dangerous they say, and so is investing in an actorless, scriptless motorcycle movie.

Michael J. Desanti pitches a bird feeder that zaps squirrels.

Michael J. Desanti pitches a bird feeder that zaps squirrels.

Episode 423: "Squirrel Boss"

Desanti says his interactive bird feeder is the first of its kind, designed to keep pesky squirrels away. The remote-controlled feeder allows owners to "zap" critters with a harmless static shock.

Desanti demonstrates his invention by shocking Cuban.

Desanti demonstrates his invention by shocking Cuban.

Episode 423: "Squirrel Boss"

In the demo, most of the Sharks feel the shock themselves, and more so when Desanti asks for $130,000 for a 40% stake.

The Sharks aren't feeling electrified enough to invest.

The Sharks aren

Episode 423: "Squirrel Boss"

The Sharks are split between thinking the invention is cruel, crude, or just bad business. When they find out that the product hasn't been patented, they pass.

Ryan Custer pitches an energy drink he calls the "Cougar Lifestyle Shot."

Ryan Custer pitches an energy drink he calls the "Cougar Lifestyle Shot."

Episode 315: "Cougar Limited"

It's perfect for middle-aged ladies who are on the prowl, Custer says on a season-three episode. Functional and delicious.

The Sharks shoot it down, not back.

The Sharks shoot it down, not back.

Episode 315: "Cougar Limited"

Custer says he's done $60,000 in sales over three years, and wants $150,000 for a 30% stake. The Sharks say it's a small market, and most in it would likely be insulted by the product. No deal.

Mark Sullivan asks for cash to build a generator that uses the spin of the earth to create electricity.

Mark Sullivan asks for cash to build a generator that uses the spin of the earth to create electricity.

Episode 311: "The Sullivan Generator"

Sullivan explains he's designed a vortex chamber that harnesses the earth's rotation to create electricity.

Oh, and the byproduct of his energy-creating invention is gold.

Oh, and the byproduct of his energy-creating invention is gold.

Episode 311: "The Sullivan Generator"

The waste product from his generators could be as much as $96 billion in gold, he says, so he feels justified in asking for $1 million for a 10% stake.

It's too rich for their blood.


Episode 311: "The Sullivan Generator"

The Sharks aren't following. They pass.

Ben Wood pitches a clothing line with sweat-activated technology.

Ben Wood pitches a clothing line with sweat-activated technology.

Episode 311: "Viewsport"

Wood presents his line, Viewsport, in season three. When a wearer perspires, a motivational saying appears, such as, "No One Has Ever Drowned In Their Own Sweat."

The Sharks don't sweat throwing the idea away.

The Sharks don

Episode 311: "Viewsport"

The technology isn't patented, and when Wood asks for $500,000 for a 20% stake, the Sharks are out.

Kim Preis created T-shirts that advertise pregnant women's due dates.

Kim Preis created T-shirts that advertise pregnant women

Episode 208: "Samson Martin"

Preis presents her designer tees for expecting moms that have the baby's due date printed across the chest.

Preis even copyrighted the words "due in."

Preis even copyrighted the words "due in."

Episode 208: "Samson Martin"

In six years, she'd done $1.4 million in sales out of her basement, but business took a nosedive during the recession. She asks for $50,000 for a 15% stake.

There just isn't enough demand for this supply.

There just isn

Episode 208: "Samson Martin"

The Sharks say the market is too niche, and they doubt women want their due dates so front and center.

Johnson Bailey presents the Man Candle in the second season.

Johnson Bailey presents the Man Candle in the second season.

Episode 207: "Original Man Candle"

Bailey wanted a candle that could freshen his house but keep it smelling like a man. And so, the Man Candle was born.

It comes in scents like pot roast, draft beer, and BBQ.

It comes in scents like pot roast, draft beer, and BBQ.

Episode 207: "Original Man Candle"

Other manly aromas include football, golf course, and popcorn, and his best-selling candle, Bailey says, smells like farts. That should help him secure his request of $50,000 for a 25% stake.

The Sharks just don't think the world is ready.

The Sharks just don

Episode 207: "Original Man Candle"

Some say it's too gimmicky, and others say he doesn't have the cash or customers to make it work. They ultimately decide the deal stinks.

Stacy Irwin claims his special fitness power bands will help people lose weight while multitasking.

Stacy Irwin claims his special fitness power bands will help people lose weight while multitasking.

Episode 203: "Fitness Stride"

Irwin says he has a new concept: You wear his Fitness Stride band wherever you go, so you don't have to set aside time to get in shape.

He straps all the Sharks in.

He straps all the Sharks in.

Episode 203: "Fitness Stride"

After demoing his creation, Irwin asks for $140,000 in exchange for 15% of his company.

The Sharks say no thanks.

The Sharks say no thanks.

Episode 203: "Fitness Stride"

Rubber bands were invented circa 1845, and they've seen this infomercial before.

Matty Sallin presents an alarm clock that wakes you with the smell of bacon.

Matty Sallin presents an alarm clock that wakes you with the smell of bacon.

Episode 201: "Wake N' Bacon"

On the premiere episode of the second season, Sallin asks for $40,000 to fund his invention, an alarm clock that wakes you with the alluring aroma of cooking bacon.

The Sharks decide it's a fire hazard, and sort of gross.

The Sharks decide it

Episode 201: "Wake N’ Bacon"

Does the bacon sit inside of the alarm clock all night? Wouldn’t it make your bedroom smell like bacon all the time? Not only does Sallin not know the cost of production, this is a serious fire hazard.

Mary Ellen Simonsen pitches a sticky note holder.

Mary Ellen Simonsen pitches a sticky note holder.

Episode 102: "Sticky Note Holder"

Simonsen shows off her invention in the first season. It's a sticky note arm that attaches to your laptop and folds inside when you close the computer.

It costs $10 and is meant to organize the Post-Its on your computer.

It costs $10 and is meant to organize the Post-Its on your computer.

Episode 102: "Sticky Note Holder"

She asks for $100,000 investment in exchange for a 20% stake in the company.

There's an app for that, the Sharks explain. Buh-bye.


Episode 102: "Sticky Note Holder"

Simonsen has no customers, no sales, and no deal.

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