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OJ Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark reveals the big things 'The People v. O.J. Simpson' gets wrong about the case

TRUE: Marcia going through a child custody battle during the trial of the century

OJ Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark reveals the big things 'The People v. O.J. Simpson' gets wrong about the case

TRUE (sort of): Johnnie Cochran making cracks about Marcia’s childcare issues

TRUE (sort of): Johnnie Cochran making cracks about Marcia’s childcare issues

In the episode, Clark tells the court that she can't go late because she has to get back to her kids. This leads to some unkind remarks from Johnnie Cochran. Clark then fires back at Cochran in front of everyone in the court.

"I can't remember," said Clark about the scene. "Could it have happened? Oh, yes. It certainly could've happened. And if Johnnie had smarted off at me, I certainly would have had a retort. So all I can say is, it's probably true."

FALSE: Marcia and Christopher Darden arguing over putting Mark Furhman on the stand

FALSE: Marcia and Christopher Darden arguing over putting Mark Furhman on the stand

A big conflict of the series up to this episode is Marcia and Chris discussing if detective Mark Furhman should be put on the stand. Chris continues to voice his disapproval this episode.

"That's not true," Clark said. "That's what comes from [Jeffrey Toobin's] book and is just absurd. And Toobin doesn't know. He made that up. Toobin's idea was, why did we even have to call Fuhrman? And that comes from somebody who really doesn't know a thing about trial work. We cannot get away with not calling Mark Fuhrman. That's a silly, ridiculous thing to say."

FALSE: The Marcia makeover

FALSE: The Marcia makeover

In the episode, the continued media coverage of Marcia's perm and clothing leads to her getting a makeover, including shocking shorter hair — an image that became famous at the time of the trial.

"That was a media creation," Clark said. "In the very beginning of the case, before opening statements, our press person said, 'You need to get a haircut. You look kind of messy.' And I did. I was kind of scraggly. So I got my hair cut. That was it. And after that point — the media goes crazy with this s--- — it’s just so weird. There came that point in the trial when my perm grew out. I didn't have the time to go and get permed again. That particular morning I looked at myself and I said, Just blow it out and stop trying. You can't keep it up. You're never going to have time to go back to the hairdresser now. And I have straight hair. So I blew it out. Thus began the media parade about the makeover."

FALSE: Marcia and Chris dancing in the office

FALSE: Marcia and Chris dancing in the office

While working on the case, Chris tries to cheer up Marcia by dancing with her.

"No," they never danced together, Clark said. "But again, that's a great moment because they're delivering the essence of our relationship, and that's nice."

TRUE: Sexism directed at Marcia

TRUE: Sexism directed at Marcia

As one of the few females on either side of the case, Marcia has to handle insensitive remarks from Cochran as well as Judge Lance Ito in this episode.

"What was hugely upsetting to me was the sexist treatment I got from the judge," she said. "That was happening on a daily basis, and nothing could be worse for a lawyer than to be undermined in front of the jury by a judge because the jury takes their cue. To the extent that the judge treats you like an idiot, the jury says, She's an idiot. And he treated me like a second-class citizen."

FALSE: Marcia crying in court

FALSE: Marcia crying in court

Marcia breaks down in court during this episode.

When asked if that ever happened, Clark answered simply, "No."

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