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'Westworld' writers Jonathan Nolan and Denise Thé shed light on Dolores' fate in the season 3 finale

Kim Renfro   

'Westworld' writers Jonathan Nolan and Denise Thé shed light on Dolores' fate in the season 3 finale
  • Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Westworld" season three, episode eight, "Crisis Theory."
  • Following HBO's season three finale of "Westworld," Insider spoke with the episode's writers — Jonathan Nolan and Denise Thé — about the major revelations.
  • Nolan says we "will never see Dolores as we've known her" again in the show, and also spoke to the inspiration behind her character that connects to a famous painting.
  • Thé also revealed that Dolores was the one behind all the maze drawings we've been seeing out in the real world.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

The season three finale of HBO's hit sci-fi series, "Westworld," premiered Sunday night. The episode finally brought Dolores' plan into the light, and led to a poignant farewell scene between her and Maeve. With this one final look at Dolores in her Westworld home, the episode's writer (and series co-creator) Jonathan Nolan says it was intended as a send-off for Evan Rachel Wood's original character.

"The idea that her memories would be erased and destroyed one at a time is very evocative and very emotional," Nolan told Insider during a phone interview on Monday morning. "And suggests that we will never see Dolores as we've known her."

We spoke with Nolan and the episode's co-writer Denise Thé about Dolores' goodbye, the meaning of the maze pattern seen throughout season three, and much more. Keep reading for our full interview.

Kim Renfro: Hi there. How are you two doing?

Jonathan Nolan: Doing good. How are you?

Renfro: Good, you know, hanging in there.

Nolan: Yeah. This is a crazy one. Way crazier than anything we came up with in "Westworld."

Denise Thé: That's true. [Laughing]

Renfro: Well, I mean you kind of hit the mark on a few important themes though. I think that that was pretty prescient of you in some ways.

Nolan: We will take no credit for that whatsoever. The truth, as always, is far stranger than fiction.

Renfro: Well, to dive in with some questions, I wanted to start by talking a little bit about Dolores. We know by now that death is often not a permanent state with the hosts, and there are some surviving Dolores copies out there. But I was wondering how final was this goodbye to the original Dolores, played by Evan Rachel Wood, as we know her?

Nolan: I would say it's final. It's because of that impermanence and the fact that this is ... I mean, it's tricky, right? Because I think people will be expecting otherwise. Denise spent a lot of time crafting those scenes in the finale. The idea that her memories would be erased and destroyed one at a time is very evocative and very emotional and suggests that we will never see Dolores as we've known her.

Renfro: Yeah, it felt like that. Absolutely. I felt like I was saying goodbye to her and it was very poignant.

Nolan: Thank you. We love working with Evan Rachel Wood — she's an unbelievable actor. I think this is a very compelling and emotional arc for the character. From the beginning, the goal with Evan was to create a character that somehow eludes the standard, and frankly slightly pat definitions, of what a hero or a protagonist or a villain would be. Anthony Hopkins as Ford asks Dolores that question, which we put in the recap before the finale to remind the audience. The question with Dolores has always been, whether you understand what she's doing or not, which box does she fit into? The hero or the villain? The answer being that life is more complicated than that.

Renfro: We've been told that each season has an overarching theme. Season one was "The Maze," season two was "The Door," and so what was season three's?

Nolan: The title of the third season is "The New World," which takes on more significance at the end of the season.

Renfro: Do you already know the theme for season four?

Nolan: We've talked about it, but we're not yet ready to discuss it publicly, unfortunately.

Renfro: Speaking of the maze, one thing that was really on my mind heading into this finale was how the maze pattern was out in the real world. People were spraypainting it everywhere as part of these riots. How did that come to be part of the human uprising?

Thé: We had talked in the writers' room about how behind the curtain Dolores was pulling the strings on some of what was happening. And you wouldn't really know that, but there would be little Easter eggs along the way that you might pick up on. The maze was one of these things. The idea that she had anticipated how this world would look, and had come to this world and figured out how it was working and that Rehoboam was controlling things. And she figured out that Rehoboam was also controlling RICO. She would have hacked that and figured out a way to start infiltrating and using Rehoboam's tools against it. So she foments this uprising behind the scenes, and that's why we had these little Easter eggs and the mazes. You see them more and more as the season progresses, and definitely you see them in the riots.

Nolan: Playing on the idea that — and you see it more literally in the last episode where you realized that the riots were even being controlled by her. She's incentivizing and monetizing people. You have a group of true believers, and you also have a group of people who are opportunists.

Sadly that actually does connect to where we are with the world right now because these protests you're seeing going on right now in this country ... obviously we were discussing protesting in the writers' room, we were thinking more about Hong Kong. The protests you're seeing right now are the definition of astroturfing, right? Like I think someone on Reddit broke down how literally every state when all these protests started, they started with an email and a chat room with the exact same wording, right? So this question that there's like a "popular uprising" — it's never been that simple. It wasn't that simple in the American revolution. It isn't that simple now. It's probably not that simple in Hong Kong. There's always been an element of cooption. There's always been an element of coercion behind these things.

And there's always, there's always a man behind the curtain, right? There's always someone else's veiled interests here. So we like the idea that a symbol in the first season (that had been created by Arnold, by Jeffrey Wright's original character as a test for consciousness) that Dolores repurposes it as a rallying cry for freedom in the real world.

Renfro: Jonah you've also said, way back when in a 2016 interview, that Dolores' journey was partly inspired by the Andrew Wyeth painting "Christina's World." This final image of Dolores in an empty field reminded me of that painting all over again, and I was wondering how intentional that full-circle moment was for her.

Nolan: We actually repainted her house in the pilot to more closely resemble that painting. It's a beautiful painting, one of my favorites. It's so evocative and has its own fascinating backstory behind it. But the idea is that Tony Hopkins' character Dr. Ford might've been inspired by Wyeth and inspired by all of the very American imagery. It's sort of an idealized version of what the West was.

Nolan [continued]: And although Dolores has moved on dramatically from where she started, her final memory, which Denise crafted beautifully, and then Jennifer Getzinger directed beautifully, that scene is going back full circle to evoke the innocence of where she began — where they all began. Well, the seeming innocence of it, I'll say, because as we always say, there's an intentionality behind it.

It's a world that's been created for her to live in by men based on a painting of a woman by a man [laughing]. There are layers in there for sure. But we found that going back to the simple innocence of that was pretty powerful.

Renfro: This is another reference that I've been dying to speak with the writing team about: In episode four, I spotted the Friston Custom Clothier sign and wound up reading this really mind-blowing Wired article about Karl J. Friston and his free-energy principle, and how that could change the way that we build AI. And I was wondering if that was a larger conversation you were having in the writers' room about the way that we think about creating AI in the real world today.

Nolan: We talked a lot about Friston and Markov blankets [laughing] at first. There were a lot of ideas. We spent a lot of time talking about that, and we spent a lot of time talking about blockchain. And then it all gets piled into, hopefully, the underpinnings of how the season is put together. So yeah, Friston and Judea Pearl, in particular. Lisa [Joy] and I had the pleasure of sitting with Judea several years ago. He's one of the fathers of deep learning, but also wrote a book last year called "The Book of Why," questioning the assumptions about deep learning, in ways that we thought were very, very helpful.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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