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The 15 biggest questions we still have about Marvel's 'WandaVision'

The 15 biggest questions we still have about Marvel's 'WandaVision'
The usually level-headed Vision may lose his cool.Courtesy Marvel Studios
  • Warning: There are massive spoilers ahead for episode five of "WandaVision."
  • As the Marvel series starts peeling back layers, there are still a number of unanswered questions.
  • What's going on with Pietro? What happened between Captain Marvel and Monica? Is Hayward a bad guy?

We've made it more than halfway through "WandaVision."

While we have some idea as to what's going on in Marvel's sitcom, there are still plenty of lingering questions that need answers.

Once you get past the huge Evan Peters reveal and start thinking about the rest of this week's episode, you'll start to notice there's some other strange stuff going on. The return of Wanda's dead brother is almost the least of our concern.

Insider breaks down every question we have - big and small - that still needs answering as we head into the back-half of the season. You should really be putting on your detective cap and giving a closer look at the man running S.W.O.R.D.

We have to start with Pietro. Why are we looking at the X-Men version of Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff? Is he even real?

We have to start with Pietro. Why are we looking at the X-Men version of Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff? Is he even real?
What's going on here?      Marvel Studios

Episode five's big reveal was that Wanda's long-dead brother is back — sort of.

Instead of being played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Evan Peters was shown standing in for Pietro. Peters played a version of the same character in Fox's "X-Men" movies. The reveal had many fans overjoyed for the Fox/Disney crossover now that Disney owns the rights to the mutants.

However, the moment also raised a lot of questions.

Is this really supposed to be the Pietro that Wanda knew or is it Quicksilver from the "X-Men" movies? He doesn't sound or act like either. Could he be an imposter pretending to be Wanda's brother under the guise of the fan-favorite X-Men? That's one big theory going around.

Maybe you really can't resurrect the dead and Wanda (or someone else) had to bring in a version of Pietro from a parallel universe to make her happy.

Read more: 'WandaVision' had a jaw-dropping reveal that both overjoyed and confused fans. Here's what's going on.

Is this how we're introducing the X-Men to the MCU?

Is this how we
Are we getting mutants in "WandaVision"?      20th Century Fox

If the MCU is going to use the multiverse to explain Peters' appearance, that would be a pretty clever way to acknowledge the past 20+ years of "X-Men" movies instead of starting over from scratch.

We know Patrick Stewart had a meeting with Marvel Studios' president Kevin Feige about reprising his role as Charles Xavier. He turned it down out of respect to his character's death in "Logan."

May we request an appearance by Ian McKellen or Michael Fassbender's Magneto instead? In the comics, he is Wanda and Pietro's real dad, after all.

Someone may have already noted a subtle nod between Wanda and Fassbender's version of the character.

Read more: Why Quicksilver was played by different actors in the "Avengers" and "X-Men" movies

Why didn't Monica's scans come out? Is she getting her comic-book super powers?

Why didn
Is Monica about to become her superhero character from the comics?      Marvel Studios

At the start of episode five, Monica gets some X-ray scans. There's just one problem. They turn out blank.

A S.W.O.R.D. member claimed something was wrong with the machine, but comic fans are likely wondering if something else is going on.

In the comics, Monica gains super powers after exposure to a blast of energy. Among her abilities? Flight, super speed, and the ability to turn invisible.

If Monica's starting to gain her powers after being blasted out of Westfield by Wanda, it's possible that's why the X-ray scan isn't revealing anything.

Why did S.W.O.R.D. have Vision's dead body? Wasn't that in Wakanda?

Why did S.W.O.R.D. have Vision
Video footage shows Wanda allegedly stealing Vision's body. But something fishy's going on here and we're likely not getting the full picture yet.      Marvel Studios

"This morning I received authorization to share this highly sensitive material from S.W.O.R.D. headquarters," director Tyler Hayward tells Monica, Jimmy, and Darcy on episode five. "Till very recently, it was the top-secret location of the Vision's corpse."

You're telling us S.W.O.R.D. just had Vision's body for undisclosed reasons?

The last time we saw Vision, he was "killed" in "Avengers: Infinity War" in the hidden nation of Wakanda. Vision's body was definitely safe there. Why would it have been removed? Was S.W.O.R.D. running tests on it? Were they trying to bring him back to life? And, if so, why? Did they want him to be a hero again or was someone trying to weaponize him for their own selfish gain?

Maybe Wanda got wind of where Vision was and experiments being run on the corpse and she didn't approve.

Wait a minute. Wanda can resurrect the dead, now?

Wait a minute. Wanda can resurrect the dead, now?
How powerful is Wanda?      Marvel Studios

That's Hayward's claim.

Vision is powered by the mind stone (one of the Infinity stones Thanos gathered up). We know Wanda received her powers from that very same stone, but it's not like she could just muster up a new mind stone to bring him back to life, right?

And what's the deal with director Tyler Hayward, anyway?

And what
Dude seems really sus.      Marvel Studios

We have to talk about Hayward. Is he really a good guy or does he have some other agenda?

Why didn't Hayward tell any of the agents Wanda stole Vision's dead body from the S.W.O.R.D. facility nine days ago?

Yes, he said he just received "authorization" to let everyone in on this piece of info, but he didn't think this may have helped anyone understand what's going on in Westview at all? (Monica doesn't seem happy that he withheld that info.)

Hayward acted like he had no idea about Wanda and Vision at the start of the operation. The man definitely knows more than he's letting on. What else isn't he sharing?

We wouldn't be surprised if Hayward is up to no good and is setting up Wanda to take the fall for something. On Friday's episode, Hayward is very biased against Wanda. He repeatedly pushes the idea that Wanda's a terrorist (even though she became an Avenger and could have single-handedly taken down Thanos in "Avengers: Endgame").

As Jimmy and Monica try to add more context to the situation and suggest Wanda's not a threat, Hayward points to old footage of Wanda's early accidents in Sokovia and Lagos.

Maybe he lost someone in Sokovia or Lagos that was tied to one of Wanda's past outbursts and he's holding a serious grudge. Maybe he's secretly working for H.Y.D.R.A. or an off-shoot of the group.

In episode five, there's a brief moment where Darcy starts to make a joke to say Hayward is a d---. She gets cut off by Hayward referring to Wanda as a terrorist. The show's edit makes it sound as if we're being told Hayward is a terrorist. It may be a subtle hint at a reveal down the line.

What about Dottie? Is she more than a random Westview resident?

What about Dottie? Is she more than a random Westview resident?
Dottie straight-up tells Wanda she doesn't trust her.      Marvel Studios

Most of the residents of Westview are genial and then there's Dottie. She's made it clear that she doesn't trust Wanda and seems aware that something is "off" with Vision.

Wanda tries super hard to impress her. Why? If this is her reality, she should be able to make anyone bend to her will.

This could be playing into typical sitcom tropes of a nosey neighbor who is suspecting of a sordid secret, but it feels like something more.

It's worth noting that Dottie doesn't appear on Jimmy's board of Westview residents either.

What happened between Monica and Captain Marvel?

What happened between Monica and Captain Marvel?
We're sensing some tension. So did Darcy and Jimmy.      Marvel Studios

Jimmy Woo mentions Captain Marvel came close to taking out Thanos on her own and Monica gets strangely quiet. When Darcy asks if her powers also came from an Infinity stone, Monica says, "We are not talking about her," before abruptly changing topics.

Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers was good friends with Monica's mom. Did something happen between the two of them or Monica and Carol? We don't like it.

Moreso, we hope we don't have to wait until the "Captain Marvel" sequel in 2022 to get to the bottom of that mystery.

Was there a brief nod to the Fantastic Four?

Was there a brief nod to the Fantastic Four?
Was Monica talking about Marvel's first family, here?      Marvel Studios

Monica tells Darcy in episode five, "I know an aerospace engineer who'd be up for this challenge," while the two discuss sending someone into Wanda's force field.

Is she hinting at Reed Richards aka the man who becomes Mr. Fantastic?

We know there's a "Fantastic Four" movie coming down the road from "Spider-Man: Homecoming" director Jon Watts.

Read more: Disney has 12 more Marvel superhero movies in the works. Here they all are.

How much does Agnes know about what's going on, and what's her agenda?

How much does Agnes know about what
Is Agnes trying to keep the townspeople of Westview safe? Or is something else going on beneath the surface?      Chuck Zlotnick/Marvel Studios

From earlier episodes, it appears as if Agnes knows everyone's being held hostage in Westview, New Jersey.

Agnes doesn't seem to be a real resident of Westview. In episode four, she was the only person on Jimmy Woo's identification board who didn't have an NJ driver's license paired to them.

If that's the case, who is she, and what is she up to?

We and others have theorized she may be the MCU's version of Agatha Harkness, a witch who helps Wanda control her powers. There have even been some hints about her identity on the show.

If she's aware of the extent of Wanda's abilities, perhaps Agnes is trying to keep the Avenger calm to protect the people of Westview in case her powers go haywire.

Who exactly is Ralph and will we ever see him?

Who exactly is Ralph and will we ever see him?
Agnes is constantly making jokes at Ralph's expense. Is Ralph fake news?      Marvel Studios

Agnes has constantly mentioned this absent husband of hers, but we're five episodes into "WandaVision" and have yet to see this man.

Does Ralph even really exist?

Some have theorized that Ralph may be the actual villain of the series, a character named Mephisto, who is basically Marvel's version of the devil. If so, that would make Agnes' quip about Ralph looking better in the dark make more sense. Mephisto is kind of frightening.

Will FBI agent Jimmy Woo or someone else give Wanda her superhero name?

Will FBI agent Jimmy Woo or someone else give Wanda her superhero name?
This little convo is planting the seeds for a name reveal later this season.      Marvel Studios

On episode five, S.W.O.R.D. director Tyler Howard asks Jimmy if Maximoff has "an alias" or a "funny nickname," alluding to her comic-book alter ego, Scarlet Witch.

The small aside has us wondering if Jimmy or someone else may give her the nickname by the season's end. We know from trailers that we'll see her in her comic-book costume.

What will Vision do once he realizes he's dead?

What will Vision do once he realizes he
The usually level-headed Vision may lose his cool.      Courtesy Marvel Studios

Hayward mentions that Vision didn't want to be resurrected. This is one marital fight we're not looking forward to seeing.

Are all of these fake Marvel ads hints at the various traumas that Wanda is trying to compartmentalize?

Are all of these fake Marvel ads hints at the various traumas that Wanda is trying to compartmentalize?
Each of the ads has a direct connection to a painful part of Wanda's past.      Marvel Studios

We've now seen four fake Marvel ads for a toaster, a Strucker watch, Hydra soak soap, and Lagos paper towels.

Each of these ads references a painful memory from Wanda's past. Vision is referred to as a toaster in the comics from time to time.

The watch ad references Baron Von Strucker. He held Wanda and Pietro captive as Hydra ran tests on them. Hydra soak references a brainwashing soap from "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", which could be a nod to Wanda being brainwashed by Hydra or Ultron.

In the latest Lagos ad, the tagline for the paper towels says, "For when you make a mess you didn't mean to." That's a dark way to sum up how Wanda accidentally was responsible for the deaths of a number of people in Lagos at the very start of "Captain America: Civil War."

We know Wanda's making these ads, too. They're not just for the audience's enjoyment. We've seen Darcy view at least one of them. They may be a hint to let others know about the trauma she's experiencing.

When will Disney Plus stop recommending we all watch "Avengers: Age of Ultron" after every episode of "WandaVision"?

When will Disney Plus stop recommending we all watch "Avengers: Age of Ultron" after every episode of "WandaVision"?
This suggestion has been appearing at the end of episodes of "WandaVision" for viewers.      Disney Plus

No, it's not just you. Disney Plus has been recommending the 2015 "Avengers" sequel to fans after watching "WandaVision."

Though it's not the best Marvel movie, it's not a bad one to rewatch if you need a refresher. The film introduces us to Wanda and her brother Pietro and was good prep for the past two weeks' worth of episodes.

But now that Wanda's brother Pietro is (sort of) back in the picture, we can probably do without seeing Ultron's nightmarish robot face as the final thing we see after finishing every episode of the show.


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