REI AMI was the 'Asian Hannah Montana,' until her coworkers discovered she's a pop star who raps about assassins and sugar daddies
- We launched the Stay Insider Sessions to connect with artists while the world practices social distancing.
- Next up, REI AMI opens up about juggling her nine-to-five job and burgeoning music career, dubbing herself "the Asian Hannah Montana."
- She also discusses growing up in a religious household, getting diagnosed with depression, and how these experiences inform her songwriting.
- "Music really has been the best form of therapy for me," she says. "The diagnosis came around the same time I first started making music, officially. So it was just kind of full f---ing circle. I feel like, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to kind of blast off."
- After the release of striking alt-pop singles like "Snowcone" and "Dictator," REI AMI is planning to release her debut EP later this year.
- Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
Insider launched the Stay Insider Sessions to connect with musicians while they, like many of us, are grappling with isolation and unprecedented downtime. Next up: REI AMI.
"B----, I'm on the clock!" REI AMI exclaims when I ask if she's still holding down her nine-to-five, picking up her work laptop for me to see. "I'm literally the Asian Hannah Montana."
She's not kidding. While the rest of the world knows her as one of the most exciting new stars in the alt-pop music sphere, largely thanks to her breakout hit "Snowcone" and millions upon millions of streams, coworkers at her packaging company had no idea about her burgeoning second career.
That is, until a fan outed her at a Dallas business conference earlier this year, when she offhandedly shared a photo of an auditorium on her Instagram story.
"My fans knew I was in Texas, but what are the chances of them exactly knowing where I am?" she explains, her eyes growing wide.
"So Wednesday morning, I go into the auditorium and two-thirds of the company's there already. They're all looking at me and I'm smiling and I'm just like, 'Okay, everyone's in a good mood. Whatever. I have my AirPods in. I got my tea and coffee, I'm chilling.' But as I'm trying to find my seat, you know when you can feel people's eyes just following you? I feel that 110%."
Eventually, one coworker began to pepper her with questions about being "famous," and when REI AMI tried to brush it off, she told her, "Your fan came," followed by, "They follow you on Spotify."
Turns out, the fan worked upstairs in the same building. He had rushed to the auditorium, found her coworkers, asked them, "Is REI AMI here?" and proceeded to show them her Instagram account.
"The f---ing director of marketing, he's like, furiously Googling 'Snowcone,' watching 'Snowcone.' My project manager is blasting the song, like, 'This is Sarah!'" (Funnily enough, she actually recorded the song's original demo in the bathroom at her office.)
"For the following week, when we were all back in Maryland, my project managers and coworkers were all just sending me Hannah Montana memes and GIFS on our team's chat," she laughs.
I add: "If you were wearing a blonde wig in any of your music videos, that would have been it."
"Oh my god, I should do a Hannah Montana theme, a music video," she gasps. "That'd be hilarious. In an office, too."
REI AMI brings this level of animation and humor to every story she tells, whether it's a throwaway anecdote or in-depth memory from her childhood.
She flits between topics with disarming speed and sincerity, offering credos on everything from Studio Ghibli ("I personally think it's better than Pixar") to her dream collaborator, Rihanna ("She has done more for me and my mental health than any f---ing therapist"), and Kanye West's astrological chart ("He's such a stereotypical Gemini, it gives us a bad rep").
"I feel like I'm very much a Gemini, except that air signs are known for not being in tune with their emotions and not being open and avoiding commitment," she says pensively. "I am very open and honest about my emotions, and I am more of a relationship-type person."
"I crave commitment. I enjoy solid relationships more than hookup culture or s--- like that. I want a boo. Like, who doesn't want a boo?"
It's a far cry from the take-no-prisoners persona she's displayed in her fiery, blood-red music videos and pseudo-rap verses that name-drop sadistic assassins.
But it's exactly this unsettled, in-between space where REI AMI thrives as an artist. Many of her songs begin harsh, then transition suddenly to a slower, more vulnerable tone, like she's shedding armor halfway through — or climbing into a cab after a night of curving guys at the club and immediately bursting into tears.
Indeed, her stage name was inspired by that very duality. Both pieces come from "Sailor Moon" characters: Rei Hino, aka Sailor Mars, is passionate, moody, and assertive; Ami Mizuno, aka Sailor Mercury, is still capable of holding her own, but tends to be more sensitive and reserved.
"'Runaway' is straight-up REI," she explains, referring to her most recent single. "I do have AMI songs — straight sad-girl, vulnerable songs — where I talk about my feelings and how I'm not feeling OK, which I'm not personally ready to release yet."
"I also have unreleased songs where the lyrics maybe very like, let's say AMI, but the production and the delivery is very REI," she continues.
"No matter what, I love the concept of contrast and duality. I've always been obsessed with that. And so I really like to deliberately apply that to my music, whether it is those distinct transitions, or the production might be really happy, but I could be talking about f---ing going on a f---ing massacre."
REI AMI, who was diagnosed with depression in college, describes making music as 'the best form of therapy'
REI AMI's family moved from South Korea to Maryland when she was 6 years old. She and her older sister were raised in a strict Christian household, where she says creative expression was generally "frowned upon."
She was diagnosed with depression during her freshman year of college, but began to deal with its effects during high school.
"Growing up in a religious household, I feel like it contributed heavily to my mental illness," she tells me. "Because with Christianity, it's like, 'If you don't do this, you're going to f---ing burn in hell for eternity, and if you do this, God hates you and you're not s---.' Nothing is ever good enough."
"And so when you are constantly told that, it takes a toll on your self-esteem and your perception of yourself and your self-worth," she continues. "And certainly, now it's internalized. So even at college, when I was away from home, I was like, 'I'm still f---ing depressed. I have this freedom that I've wanted for so long, but I'm still so completely, utterly confused and upset and can't get out of bed.'"
So REI AMI visited a therapist and a psychiatrist without her parents' knowledge. She was prescribed antidepressants, but found relief in just having an explanation for her struggles.
"Music really has been the best form of therapy for me," she tells me. "I think that's why I was just always drawn to it so much, because of how it comforted me. And also, the diagnosis came around the same time I first started making music, officially. So it was just kind of full f---ing circle."
"It was like, 'S---, this is a serious thing you have to deal with now. But now you have these opportunities to make music and vent and heal in some kind of way,'" she continues.
"And so it was just really perfect timing — even though it sounds crazy to say that, 'Oh me being diagnosed with a mental illness was perfect timing,' but it really was. I feel like, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to kind of blast off."
Now, at 24 years old, REI AMI says her parents have given her the space to express herself and grown to support her career choice.
"They do not support the content, which is fair," she adds. "I'm so grateful. I mean, obviously they hate all the songs. I'm cursing and I'm talking about, like, sugar daddies. Thank God it's all in English, and they don't really understand most of it."
Songs like 'Dictator' showcase REI AMI's sharp wit and knack for lyricism
When REI AMI began making music with producer Elie Rizk in college, something clicked.
The pair's very first single together, "Make It Mine," was written and produced on a whim when REI AMI went to Rizk's studio and got drunk. They shot the music video the same night.
"I'm just so proud of the hook on that song," she tells me, beaming. "Because it's like, 'cross your heart, hope to die.' That's a saying, but I was like, 'Cross my heart, I hope you f---ing die!' So I was very proud of that."
I mention my own favorite REI AMI lyric, which appears on the second verse of "Dictator," her third single: "Red dress Latrodectus on his mattress, I'ma kill it."
"Dude, you read my mind! That's also Finneas' favorite, he also really loved that line," REI AMI replies, casually name-dropping Finneas O'Connell, Billie Eilish's brother and producer. "He was like, 'I didn't know what that was, but that sounded so cool that I had to look up what Latrodectus meant.'"
"I had bought a new dress online," she explains. "I was like, 'I want to talk about this because it's so cute. But how do I talk about a red dress being f---ing deadly?' So I started Googling deadly criminals, animals, and then insects."
"I fell into this rabbit hole of researching black widows, and Latrodectus is the scientific term for that genus of spiders."
For the record: REI AMI wrote those masterful lyrics while she was out of her mind, high on prescription Vicodin.
"I wrote that song so f---ing fast," she grins. "I had my wisdom teeth removed and I couldn't do anything. So I was like, 'I'm f---ing bored. I feel insane. I've never felt like this in my life.' I was feeling f---ing crazy. And then I just started talking s---. And that became 'Dictator.'"
Although the pandemic has sullied some of REI AMI's plans for 2020, she's still on the path for pop domination
She had originally planned to release her debut EP in May or June, but now that she's been productive in quarantine, that previously polished tracklist may be getting a makeover.
"Right now, I'm just making sure that I capture everything in the moment, because there's vulnerability and rawness to that," she tells me. "I'm just trying to capture those really special moments in my songwriting."
"Some of the best songs come when you think you're done. Yeah, the EP is ready to release and drop, if I wanted to drop it tomorrow," she continues. "But it's like, I'm an artist, I should give a f--- about how my content is released."
"With the coronavirus posing so many limitations with how I can release things, in terms of creative content, it has caused a few bumps in the road. But you pivot and you adapt. 'Cause I'm not going to compromise the quality of my s---. I'm sorry. You guys can wait."
REI AMI and her team are now eyeing a release date in the late summer or early fall, depending on when she can get back in the studio.
She remains tight-lipped about potential collaborations and features, but suffice it to say that she has caught the attention of major pop heavyweights — like Charli XCX, who's been habitually liking REI AMI's posts on Instagram.
And in addition to the aforementioned O'Connell sibling, who gives REI AMI shout-outs during interviews, Eilish has expressed her own admiration.
"The O'Connells are the most genuine, warm, authentic people I've ever met," REI AMI says of the Grammy-winning siblings. "Despite all their success, you would think they would have some kind of ego, but they are literally the most straightforward people, no agendas. They f--- with you because they f--- with you."
"Literally, they are the sweetest people ever. [Eilish] checked in on me last week. She texted me, she was like, 'How you doing? How are you holding up?' And I'm like, 'Damn, Billie f---ing Eilish is checking in on me. That's f---ing wild.'"
As REI AMI's esteem continues to rise, it seems clear she's destined for bigger hits and bigger crowds.
She's already dreaming about how many outfit changes she can manage during her first-ever tour. Current plans include a Sailor Mars costume, a Sailor Mercury costume, and "a sexy Pikachu onesie."
"Listen, people are like, 'What's your favorite Pokémon?' And I'm like, 'Pikachu.' And they're like, 'That's so basic,'" she adds in a rush, as if she's anticipating a protest. "I'm like, 'B----, don't f---ing come for me. First of all, he's yellow. I'm yellow. He likes to eat, I love to f---ing eat."
"Also, I have a picture of me when I was a child and I was in a Pikachu costume. I think we were doing a Pikachu dance at my kindergarten. I'm pretty f---ing sure I was lead Pikachu, because I was front and center."
It's clear that REI AMI is itching to perform and put her powerful energy on display. More than anything, she says she's excited to "engage with fans in a physical space."
"Because the touring situation for everybody is so f---ed up, I have to get really creative, in the way I want to plan my little gatherings of fans in live shows," she tells me. "It's a challenge, but f--- it, give it to me! Let's work. Let's figure out a way to make a nontraditional, nonconventional way of putting on a live show for my fans."
"I just want to give back to the people that have supported me for so long and have been so patient with me," she continues. "It might not be a big goal for other people, but I consider it a very important milestone because I would not be where I am and who I am without the support and love from these people."
"So I just really want to figure out a way to make that happen, in the fall or winter. I don't f---ing know. I don't f---ing care. I just want to make it happen."
Read the original article on Insider