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Priyanka Chopra Jonas on overcoming insecurities, dealing with loss, and her best career advice

Dan Schawbel   

Priyanka Chopra Jonas on overcoming insecurities, dealing with loss, and her best career advice
EntertainmentEntertainment6 min read
  • Dan Schawbel is a bestselling author, speaker, and host of the "5 Questions with Dan Schawbel" podcast.
  • In a recent episode, he spoke with award-winning actor and producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas.
  • Chopra Jonas shared how she overcomes insecurities and relied on loved ones after her father's death.

Priyanka Chopra Jonas is a multi-award-winning actor and producer and one of the most recognized personalities in the world. A former Miss World, she made her movie debut in 2002 and has appeared in more than sixty films produced in India and the United States.

In 2015, she made history as the first Indian-born actor to lead an American network TV series when she starred in the ABC drama Quantico. For her work during her longtime association with UNICEF, Chopra Jonas was awarded the prestigious Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award in 2019. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Nick, and Diana, Gino, and Panda, their three dogs.

In our conversation, Priyanka Chopra Jonas talked about regaining confidence after being bullied, her advice for people suffering from mental health issues, how she dealt with her dad's passing, the biggest obstacle she's faced, and her best career advice.

You and I were both bullied in high school. How did you regain your confidence after this experience?

High school is so tough anyway, but being bullied was a very visceral experience that I couldn't seem to shake off. Fortunately, I was privileged to have somewhere to go. I called my mom and said, "I'm coming back to India. I don't want to do this anymore." I was able to leave, but I know that there are so many kids and people who don't have the ability to just extract themselves, and they have to live with uncomfortable situations.

Bullying is just a terrible thing. It's an abuse of power and it happens in every field and every space. But as a teenager, it definitely affects you a lot more. The only way I got over that was because I was surrounded by so much love and affection when I went back home with my family. They always had confidence in me, and I was able to regain my sense of self from being around people that love me.

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When you talk about your insecurities in the book, you state, "The worst thing to do is to feel sad alone." What do you recommend to people who are suffering from mental health issues right now, but don't know where to go or what to do?

I think there's a sense of embarrassment and shame because of the stigma surrounding mental health issues, which I can't comment on because I've never experienced it clinically. But what I can talk about, especially at a time like right now, is what it's like to feel sad, depressed, alone, and isolated. I truly believe that finding someone who's in your corner is so important, whether it's your sister, your parents, your husband, your best friend - whoever that person is.

Because when you talk about something that is making you feel sad and bogged down, it takes away the power of that thing. When you're alone, it's just you and your insecurity or whatever is weighing you down, and it feels so much larger than it probably is.

It's always worked for me when I've found someone who I can talk to about what I'm feeling. It's like air leaving a balloon when you stick a needle in it - the problem becomes much smaller and you can deal with it better. So, I suggest really looking for the person who's in your corner.

You said in your memoir that after your dad passed away, you were in the darkness for a while. Can you explain this sad period of your life and how you got through it?

I think everyone has a few phases when dealing with grief. For me, when my dad passed away, I didn't take the time to deal with it. I went to work four days later, when I moved to Canada to shoot the first season of Quantico. I was completely alone, I didn't have any friends, and I had just ended a long-term relationship. I was in a new country shooting a new show; it really was a completely new environment.

At the same time, I had just started dealing with the loss of my father, and because I was isolated it all came tumbling down on me. I felt extremely alone and chose to be extremely alone. Even when I would go back home, I didn't want to hang out with people or engage in conversation.

I allowed myself to feel that way and indulge in that for a good two years, until I started feeling like everything that I'd worked for was at stake, including my job. I was distracted and I couldn't focus. But I had built this career on my back, with such an effort and with so many sacrifices, and I was not going to let that feeling take it away from me. That really was the impetus for me choosing myself, and so I started making small, tangible changes.

I started changing up my routine of sorrow, which might have been my favorite couch, or my favorite food or drink, or my favorite show, or other comforts people rely on to get over something. So, I decided that I wouldn't sit on that couch and go to the kitchen, or I wouldn't do what I was used to - and that really made a big difference.

Even if I wanted to tell my friends, "I want to stay in bed and watch TV," I would make the effort to go out and meet with people that I knew cared about me.

Sometimes the solution doesn't have to be deep. You don't have to meet someone special to pull you out of your depression or your sorrow. You just need to shake off what your reality is and recreate a new reality. And I think that really helped me.

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What would you say is the biggest obstacle you've faced during your 20-year Hollywood career, and how did you overcome it?

I think the biggest obstacle has been the need to constantly evolve. It's not just a Hollywood thing, it really is an ambition thing. For anyone who's ambitious and wants to find a sense of purpose in life, evolution is so important. Because once you find a safe space and you exist in that, you plateau and you start becoming stagnant. That's always been, not my struggle, but my challenge to myself.

I'm always thinking about the next thing I want to do, which is something I learned very early in my career. Adaptability was a big asset of mine. Maybe because I moved around so much as a kid, it helped me learn to adapt really well in the industry.

I also embrace the idea of always being a student, not expecting to know everything, and being willing to learn and hear what other people have to say. I think that perspective really helped me get over that obstacle of feeling stuck.

What's your best piece of career advice?

My best piece of career advice is not to be stuck to the thing you think you've found - be open to change and be open to flux. The entertainment business is based on taste and opinions, which change every couple of years. Especially in this business, we have to learn to adapt to new things.

When I first entered this industry, I was 17 years old. I have seen contact sheets of film, of my pictures literally being shot on actual film. I've seen the evolution of that into digital, and now the evolution into special effects or what green screen used to be.

Entertainment has changed so much, from theatrical to being able to watch the newest movie in your living room, and we all have had to adapt to that. That's what I think is the best career advice I've ever received: Be open to adapting and learning anything that's thrown at you, instead of being afraid of losing what you have.

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