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'Outlander' stars Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe break down Jamie's 'cold vengeance' in the season 7 premiere, and the Frasers' 'unavoidable' fate

Eve Crosbie   

'Outlander' stars Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe break down Jamie's 'cold vengeance' in the season 7 premiere, and the Frasers' 'unavoidable' fate
  • Warning: There are major spoilers ahead for the season seven premiere of Starz drama, "Outlander."
  • Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe spoke to Insider about what lies ahead for the Scot and Sassenach.

The premiere of "Outlander" season seven has brought a more than year-long "Droughtlander" to an end.

When viewers last saw the former Highland hero and his time-traveling wife, they had been heartbreakingly separated once again.

Claire (Caitríona Balfe), locked up in a cell in Wilmington, North Carolina, was awaiting her day in court to prove her innocence in the murder of Malva Christie (Jessica Reynolds).

Meanwhile, Jamie (Sam Heughan) was almost shipped back to Scotland by Richard Brown's (Chris Larkin) men before he was rescued by Ian (John Bell) and his Mohawk allies.

The season seven premiere, which is now available to stream on the Starz app, sees Jamie make good on his promise to get his wife safely back home, but it's another man's love and devotion for Claire that ultimately allows her to walk free and return to Fraser's Ridge.

Claire's 'shocking' moment

However, the premiere's cold open teased a different fate for Claire, and in a stress-inducing 90-second scene that we soon learn is "Jamie imagining the worst," as executive producer Maris Davis puts it, we see her hanged in front of an expectant Wilmington crowd.

"We wanted a shocking moment to remind the audience that, actually, there is a time clock on Jamie rescuing Claire," Davis said in an interview with Insider over Zoom to discuss the season premiere. "She could easily, at any moment, hang."

Davis added that the moment isn't meant to be interpreted as one of Jamie's dreams, which as one season seven teaser shows, have begun to provide him with his own way to travel through time and see events from a future that he's not in.

"It's not a dream. We talked about it, like, 'Should it be a dream? What should it be?' And it is literally him thinking, 'The worst thing I can imagine is Claire being hanged and I won't get there in time,'" Davis said."It adds a little momentum to the story of Jamie getting back Claire."

Who killed Malva?

Claire is spared her fate after Tom Christie (Mark Lewis Jones) confesses that he murdered Malva, who he reveals isn't his daughter but his niece. Tom's wife had an affair with his brother when Tom was imprisoned for supporting the Stuarts during the Jacobite Rising, something Claire cottoned on to last season.

While Tom said he did it out of anger over Malva's promiscuous behavior, Jamie and Claire aren't convinced he could be capable of doing such a thing — and Davis warned that audiences shouldn't be either.

"The thing about Tom is that he's such an interesting character, and obviously Mark Lewis Jones, who plays him, is brilliant," Davis said.

While he was the "villain" figure of season six, audiences will now see he has been misunderstood.

"We realize that Tom actually is a good person that he loves Claire, he makes the ultimate sacrifice for her. He says in that scene, 'Let me do this, it's the one good thing,'" said Davis.

Daivs teased that it isn't the last viewers have seen of Tom and that the mystery of Malva's murder will be resolved before too long.

Jamie has vengeance on his mind, says Sam Heughan

Insider also caught up with Heughan and Balfe to discuss the episode and what lies ahead for the Scot and Sassanach now that the American Revolution has well and truly reached North Carolina.

"The war is something that has been looming for a while now," Heughan said. "There's been all these rumblings and a lot of tactical movements by Jamie, changing sides from the British to now being one of the rebels."

Heughan said the war, which becomes its own character this season, will have "grave repercussions" for Jamie and Claire, even as they try their best to stay out of the conflict.

"They have no other choice but to be involved yet again. It's unavoidable," Heughan said. "Before they've tried to circumnavigate — you know, Culloden, and the history in Scotland — but this time, there's no avoiding this one."

While Jamie isn't the one to lay down his life for Claire, he does manage to eliminate another one of the Frasers' enemies by the end of the episode.

Once Claire has returned home and has fallen asleep, Jamie leaves the big house to go back to Wilmington on the hunch that it was Robert Brown's horse he saw waiting outside an inn. (He's pretty certain since, as he says, he "stared at his arse for 200 miles" after he and Claire were arrested.)

"I think it's fortuitous that he notices Brown's horse and he's there," Heughan said.

The actor describes Jamie's thought process towards Brown as being: "When the time is right, I will seek my vengeance."

"He holds this grudge and he's going to deal with it when he can — it just happens to be in this episode," said Heughan.

While Balfe pointed out that "the Browns have taken so much from" Jamie and Claire since they came into the story in season five, Heughan stressed that killing Robert was "not an emotional thing" for Jamie.

"It's a cold vengeance which I think is more scary," he said.

What is still to come in season 7

Looking ahead at what the seventh season will bring the Frasers, Heughan summed it up in one word: "Homecoming."

He said that viewers can expect to see more of "Jamie's extended family," and that means both returning characters and new ones, including the introduction of William Ransom (Charles Vandervaart), the child Jamie fathered some 18 years ago.

Now an adult, William has signed up to fight for the British Army in the war, putting the father and son on opposing sides.

Balfe noted that their relationship, a microcosm of how once united communities now find themselves divided, will form a "strong thread" throughout the season.

"I think audiences are going to really, really love the storyline between William and Jamie," said Balfe.

"The repercussions of all of that, that's going to be something that people are going to be really excited about," she added.

According to Davis, audiences can expect the first half of season seven to be "jam-packed" before it takes a midseason break until 2024. It will also end on another heart-stopping cliffhanger.

"The first episode kind of lulls you into thinking everything's going to be okay and then we're off to the races."

The first episode of "Outlander" season seven is now available to stream on the Starz app, and also airs at 8 p.m. Friday on Starz.

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