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MUNA reflects on their 'queer joy' era and reveals which songs of theirs they'd want Taylor Swift to cover

Callie Ahlgrim   

MUNA reflects on their 'queer joy' era and reveals which songs of theirs they'd want Taylor Swift to cover
  • Insider spoke to the three members of MUNA backstage at the All Things Go music festival.
  • The band reflected on their "queer joy" era, which kicked off with their 2021 single "Silk Chiffon."

MUNA took the stage in Maryland earlier this month at All Things Go, an indie festival that's dominated by female, nonbinary, and queer artists.

The self-proclaimed "greatest band in the world" gave the penultimate performance of the weekend, which vocalist Katie Gavin lovingly described as "opening for Lana Del Rey."

Of course, this placement was on par for MUNA, who has already opened for Harry Styles, Kacey Musgraves, and Lorde — not to mention the biggest musical event in recent memory, The Eras Tour, where Taylor Swift gave the band her explicit stamp of approval.

"They're on all my playlists and I'm just so obsessed with their music," Swift told the crowd in Atlanta. "Also I have to say, they're like, some of the funniest people to be on a group chat with, and that counts for a lot, doesn't it?"

Gavin, Josette Maskin, and Naomi McPherson have been making music together since 2013, when they met as college students at USC. But over the past two years, the band has enjoyed a dizzying rise to household-name fame, the kind that takes you everywhere from Coachella to "Good Morning America."

MUNA opened up to Insider about their self-titled album era coming to an end, the evolution of "queer joy," and their budding friendship with Swift.

The last time we spoke, it was right after "Silk Chiffon" came out. Katie, you said, "We have fought really hard to be able to feel like we deserve to be happy." So given what you know now, what the song has come to mean to your fans, I'd love to know how you look back on that time.

Katie Gavin: I kind of can't believe — how long ago was that?

Naomi McPherson: It was 2021.

Josette Maskin: Life's a fucking bitch. Insane.

Gavin: [Laughs.] Well, the first impression is like, we have been in a whirlwind since then.

McPherson: We really have.

Gavin: And a lot of that is because of that song. So the first thing is just like, that's really crazy how much people's response to that song has changed our lives. We've never had an album cycle that's this long. We've never toured for this long. I'll be honest. We're in a state right now where we're all really tired and we're ready to start looking at what's next, but there's also... This is kind of the end of this cycle for us, so it's a good time to reflect and we're glad to have the chance to do it.

McPherson: It's interesting. The meaning of the music reveals itself with time and it's hard to say what anything is, right after it comes out. But I think we had a pretty accurate sense of what that song was about, which is, it's a simple song about fucking having fun.

Gavin: But isn't songwriting so crazy? Because when we first came out with that song, I felt like it was hard for us to put our finger on like, "Oh, it's queer joy," and now, I feel like that is such a...

McPherson: That's a buzzword.

Maskin: To the point where I'm almost tired of hearing it. I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, queer joy." [Laughs.]

You did use that phrase in our last interview, and at the time, I don't think I'd heard it before.

Maskin: Yeah, well we coined it! [All laugh.]

McPherson: We just want to have nuanced conversations across the board. It's never just about only being happy. The purpose of our music for us is not to just, I don't know... It's not about making one identity and tying it to some kind of platitude. I don't know what I'm fucking saying, but you know what I mean? We want to have nuanced conversations. It really isn't that fucking... Nothing is that simple.

Gavin: We do like to make moments for people.

McPherson: We do like to make moments, for sure. And the next album cycle, we'll make another one.

Gavin: We're very grateful that the song has meant so much to so many people and it's done a lot for us. And we're very curious to see what's going to come next because I'm just very indebted to the process of songwriting and just taking this little seed and then you can see... It's just cool to see culture keep shifting, to see what's next.

I have to ask, for the fans, if you would ever consider putting out a studio version with Naomi's verse.

Gavin: Oh, the Naomi verse, they want it!

McPherson: They do have the Spotify version and if they buy the vinyl, that's on the vinyl.

Maskin: If anything, it means you've got to come to a show.

Gavin: We also put out a "Silk Chiffon" seven-inch, the little vinyl.

McPherson: So they have that and then they'll have to come to a show.

Maskin: You've got to see that thing in real life!

Katie, I know you wrote the second verse imagining what Phoebe might write. So I wonder if there are any other examples of character work or playing with different perspectives in your songwriting?

Gavin: Oh, that's such a good question.

McPherson: I feel like there have been songs where we've been like, "Oh, this sounds like something this person would sing." Or we sing it like... I don't know. I guess that's more of a performance thing.

Gavin: What were you going to say though?

McPherson: Sometimes when we're doing certain songs, we'll be like, "This really feels like this person's song from this specific time." Aspects of "What I Want" felt like Gaga, Katy Perry. Or when Katie sings the high note at the end of "Silk," I was calling that the Hayley Williams note.

Gavin: Sometimes you have to get into a character to understand it. Because really, if you're making pop music and you're creating little moments, it's not always going to feel like you. I do tend to write from my own life.

Maskin: You can't help it.

Gavin: Yeah. But I'll write, sometimes... I mean, now I'm 30 and I'm in a healthy, happy relationship. But I've had chaos and destruction galore in my past, so I'm kind of pulling from those other times.

McPherson: "Chaos and destruction galore" is a fucking rippin' title.

Gavin: Now it's more like, the characters are just me, at different times in my life. I've also written songs from other people — like it is something that I went through, but I'm writing it from the other person's perspective. I don't know why that happens. It just does sometimes. And I'm not going to tell you which songs. [Laughs.]

I have a niche question about the bridge in "Solid." Was that intended as an homage to "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" by Cake?

Gavin: All of "Solid" is kind of an homage.

Maskin: We did the bridge music before we wrote the lyrics, I think. Because I remember working on the bridge and then Katie getting the idea.

Gavin: Even the verses are "she's this, she's that, she's this, she's that." And I think anytime you just have that sentence structure, because that song is so iconic, it's going to feel like a callback. I want to do more talking, though. I really like his talk-singing. I think that's a moment.

You mentioned that it's end of this album cycle, so when you released "One That Got Away," was that intended as a bookend for this era? Or will it lead into the next?

Maskin: It's a loosie.

Gavin: I would say it's more of a bookend.

Maskin: We might put it on the next record, though.

McPherson: Hey, if we put a deluxe version out and we're feeling frisky, you never know. It might end up on there.

Maskin: I mean, it was also like, we weren't expecting to tour on this record for so long. We had dates that we booked in Australia and Europe, and being able to do another US headline...

McPherson: We were like, "Damn. "We need a new song out."

Maskin: We owe it to the fans to try to put something out. And Katie wrote that song at the end, when we turned the record in, and that will happen a lot of the time. It was something that we knew we wanted to work on and God was good to us in that circumstance. But we just don't know. We're not ones to push things. We just know the music needs to be good.

Let me rewind to when Naomi mentioned the "Live at Electric Lady" EP. Did you know you were going to open for the Eras Tour when you recorded the "August" cover?

McPherson: We did not.

Maskin: That came out not that long before. It was something where you had to choose a song that was recorded at Electric Lady. So there were those confines, and I mean, how could we not have done a song of hers? It was also just the most relevant. And we also just love that song.

McPherson: Love her.

Gavin: It made sense.

Maskin: I can't believe it. That was such a crazy... Life's a blur.

McPherson: That was a wild, wild time. That was really, really fun.

If Taylor was going to record a cover of one of your songs, which one would you give her?

Gavin: Oh god.

McPherson: This is too much pressure! She can pick whatever she wants.

Or which one would you suggest?

Gavin: We do have this thing where you can sing "So Special" over "Style," so maybe she could do a mashup of "So Special" and "Style."

McPherson: She would tear up, like...

Maskin: "Taken."

McPherson: "Taken," yeah. "Kind of Girl," she would sound great on. She'd sound great on any of the pop stuff, too. She would sound great on so much of it.

Gavin: I would like to see her... I mean, I think, yeah, it's kind of hard. I would like to see her do "What I Want." I think it would just be fun.

McPherson: Her doing "Never" would be cool too. She would body that.

Maskin: We'd be down for any song, I think is the thing.

Can you tell me what your group chat with Taylor is called?

McPherson: We don't have a name. It's too iconic to name.

Maskin: We only name group chats when...

McPherson: When it's confusing.

Maskin: Yeah, or when it's like, we have chats between the three of us, or chats between management, and stuff like that. To put a chat name on that would be...

McPherson: Sacrilegious.

If she put a chat name on it, you would let it be.

Maskin: Oh, absolutely. [All laugh.]

McPherson: She can name the chat whenever she wants.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity. Listen to MUNA and more on Spotify with Insider's rising artist radio.

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