<p class="ingestion featured-caption">I got my first Russian manicure on a recent trip to New York. Gia Yetikyel</p><ul class="summary-list"><li>I get <a target="_blank" class href="https://www.businessinsider.com/nail-polish-trends-popular-and-out-next-year-2023">professional manicures</a> every month and prioritize nail health and longevity.</li><li>I paid over $300 for a Russian hard-gel extension manicure at Say-It Nails in New York City.</li></ul><p>As someone who gets my nails done monthly, manicure longevity is one of my top priorities.</p><p>Russian manicures, which have <a target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/discover/russian-manicure">exploded in popularity on TikTok this year</a>, emphasize cuticle care. If done properly, a full set looks no more than a week old two to three weeks after an appointment.</p><p>On my last <a target="_blank" class href="https://www.businessinsider.com/weekend-trip-new-york-city-on-budget-not-worth-it-2023-12">trip to New York</a>, I went to Say-It Nails in Midtown Manhattan for a hard-gel extension Russian manicure with complex nail art.</p><p>Here's how it went.</p>